Well, the reservoir and extra fittings arrived yesterday. Sorry, no pictures yet, they're still on the camera. I fitted the reservoir and started plumbing it and the pump in. The res fitted fine, at least after I'd spent half an hour getting stuff out of the shed to then drill a single 4mm hole in the res plate in about 5 seconds.
The pump, on the other hand, is being a bit of a bugger. I'm planning to have it under the HD cage, having removed the second, lower cage. The case has two locations for pumps next to the power supply, behind the motherboard panel, but you'd have to be much better at cable management than me to get it in there without a lot of swearing. The proposed layout had the reservoir leading into the pump via a T-fitting, letting me have a drain on the other side of the T at the lowest point of the loop. The tubing wasn't having any of that idea without kinking or putting a lot of strain on the fittings.
So, plan B involves another order with OcUK for some male-to-male connectors to put the T directly on the pump and a 90 degree fitting to let the tubing fall more naturally straight down from the res to the T-pump-drain combo. While I was at it I bought some of the Bitfenix pre-braided cables. I just know I'm going to end up braiding my own at some stage, despite my intention not to, but maybe this will delay that.
Finally, I'm still wondering what to do with the tubing going from the pump to the top reservoir. It comes up behind the motherboard panel. It can either emerge from a hole behind the res port and be almost invisible or run along the top of the motherboard to a port at the other side, and have a long, visible, straight(ish) run.
The pump, on the other hand, is being a bit of a bugger. I'm planning to have it under the HD cage, having removed the second, lower cage. The case has two locations for pumps next to the power supply, behind the motherboard panel, but you'd have to be much better at cable management than me to get it in there without a lot of swearing. The proposed layout had the reservoir leading into the pump via a T-fitting, letting me have a drain on the other side of the T at the lowest point of the loop. The tubing wasn't having any of that idea without kinking or putting a lot of strain on the fittings.
So, plan B involves another order with OcUK for some male-to-male connectors to put the T directly on the pump and a 90 degree fitting to let the tubing fall more naturally straight down from the res to the T-pump-drain combo. While I was at it I bought some of the Bitfenix pre-braided cables. I just know I'm going to end up braiding my own at some stage, despite my intention not to, but maybe this will delay that.
Finally, I'm still wondering what to do with the tubing going from the pump to the top reservoir. It comes up behind the motherboard panel. It can either emerge from a hole behind the res port and be almost invisible or run along the top of the motherboard to a port at the other side, and have a long, visible, straight(ish) run.