Project: Quiet White Enthoo

Well, the reservoir and extra fittings arrived yesterday. Sorry, no pictures yet, they're still on the camera. I fitted the reservoir and started plumbing it and the pump in. The res fitted fine, at least after I'd spent half an hour getting stuff out of the shed to then drill a single 4mm hole in the res plate in about 5 seconds.

The pump, on the other hand, is being a bit of a bugger. I'm planning to have it under the HD cage, having removed the second, lower cage. The case has two locations for pumps next to the power supply, behind the motherboard panel, but you'd have to be much better at cable management than me to get it in there without a lot of swearing. The proposed layout had the reservoir leading into the pump via a T-fitting, letting me have a drain on the other side of the T at the lowest point of the loop. The tubing wasn't having any of that idea without kinking or putting a lot of strain on the fittings.

So, plan B involves another order with OcUK for some male-to-male connectors to put the T directly on the pump and a 90 degree fitting to let the tubing fall more naturally straight down from the res to the T-pump-drain combo. While I was at it I bought some of the Bitfenix pre-braided cables. I just know I'm going to end up braiding my own at some stage, despite my intention not to, but maybe this will delay that.

Finally, I'm still wondering what to do with the tubing going from the pump to the top reservoir. It comes up behind the motherboard panel. It can either emerge from a hole behind the res port and be almost invisible or run along the top of the motherboard to a port at the other side, and have a long, visible, straight(ish) run.
Back home now, so here's the photos.



Reservoir, Monsoon 90 degree fittings, ball valve, blanking cap to back up the ball valve.


Extra 4mm hole drilled in the Enthoo reservoir bracket in line with the other central holes. I rubbed that pencil line off with an eraser I'd nicked from my son, only to discovered that it stained the bracket green. D'oh. In the end I had to use citrus-based degreaser to get the stain off.


Hmm, this drain and T-junction should fit, surely...


Nope. Apologies for the poor photos, it was getting dark.


My idea of how this would work was hopelessly wrong. I'll try again tomorrow when the new fittings arrive.


It doesn't look quite as bad from the front, but I didn't like the stress that it was putting on the entry port on the pump head.


I ordered a 5mm and 10mm male-to-male fitting, not being sure which would fit best, and another couple of angle fittings that I hadn't realised I might need before. While I was at it, I ordered some Bitfenix Alchemy pre-braided cables. Hopefully they'll look nice enough that I'll stave off the madness that is braiding my own cables.


Yeah, the back still needs some cable and tubing tidying.


So, reservoir in and - more importantly - now connecting to the pump neatly without kinks or putting too much strain on the pump.


The reservoir now has a drain that drops down to a 45 degree Monsoon connector that plugs into the pump via a T-fitting to the drain pipe and a 5mm male-to-male fitting.


I realised later that I ought to have got a rotating male-to-male fitting, but as luck would have it when I tightened things up the T-fitting was pointing in the right direction. This looks a lot neater now.


So, the loop is done. The right-angle fitting on the top of the reservoir is to allow me to get a tube attached to a funnel into the case for filling the res.


I really like the white braided cables. Much neater than before. I still need some cable combs or something to neaten them up though.


Time to do something with it. This is my first watercooling setup, so I'm quite nervous at this stage. Waterclockers, keeping kitchen towel manufacturers in business since 2004...


By God, it works. I had to loosen the top of the res to fill it, because the funnel and tube was causing a airlock and the water was just sitting in the funnel going nowhere.


There was a small leak from the T-fitting (which is, of course, the hardest bloody bit to get to and tighten up) but that was soon fixed.


It actually works! I don't believe it.

So, testing so far with a small overclock to 4.6GHz on the 4790K gives idle temps around 25 and Aida64/Realbench temps around 65-70.

But the main point is that it's really quiet. You can barely hear it when you're sitting next to it. And that was the point of the project.

However, there's more...
whats the paint like on the monsoon fittings i hear it comes off very easily when using the tool. have they fixed this?

I found the white fittings quite easy to scratch or mark. A lot of the time, though, it's not the paint scratching but the tool being worn away. This can be cleaned off the fitting with a little effort. Also, I'm quite clumsy.

One 45 degree fitting - the one on the T-fitting out of the pump - I had to tighten with pliers because it was leaking. This made ugly marks on the ridged/knurled part.
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