Project Radster - Case Labs S8

Well, that will have to wait.
I still have milion of things to do before going on holidays and I won't have time.
And my funds are tight this month.
So next update will be after I get back in August.
Nice :)

Needs DSLR pics!

Sorry, trip to China ate all my funds :-)
I only have some basic Nikon to make pictures.

I will be adding more led strips there, probably 6 x 30 cm to illuminate whole left side of the case and move the 50 cm one to front.
I hope I will be able to make some better pics, too.

There is also another thing, I need to change my mouse. I have a 3 years old Razer and it starts to miss some klicks. Planning to buy EVGA Torq X10 this time. OCuk, get them in stock !!! :-)
Nice to see someone making a caselabs more interesting to look at.
Nice build

If you want to improve your pics, stick the case next to a window, natural light does wonders.
Hello guys

I am considering some hardware changes.
As you probably know, we should see x99 motherboards and cpu's and ddr4 soon, as far as I know in September.
I may end up switching some components.
Plan was to get a 4790k, but I read about them and it looks like a lottery again.

I wiill be still doing some stuff after holidays, but minor things.
Ah upgrade bug will hit a lot of people come x99 :D. I kinda thought I'd like to do move over to x99 also, if only for just to mess around with the build some more. Will see when the time comes.
I've just bought a house that needs total refurb, so I have the potential for a man cave !

The good thing for you is that you have an awesome case that you can reinvent as time goes by. :D
Sorry, trip to China ate all my funds :-)
I only have some basic Nikon to make pictures.

Pics are blurry as the camera is having to have a long exposure time to get enough light for the picture. That long exposure time makes any hand shakes visible.
Best thing to do is to get as much light as possible on everything you are taking pictures of.

More light = faster shutter speed = less blurry pictures.

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