Project Rainbow (ITX)

Remember Famas, Can always update the build, later on, So if you wanted to say go for a Fullface GPU Waterblock & Change Hose/Tube for a Future update,
Not looked but wonder if you can buy Rainbow Color Liquid :)
the wife has just seen this and now wants rainbow cables :( to go with the rbg flashing away on her desk.

the build is ace well done.
It's weird for the first few weeks it was silent.

I did notice a small bubble of air in the reservoir which I tried all sorts to get out but couldn't. After a few days the bubble disappeared so I figured it worked its way out but unfortunately now i'm getting some rattle.

Some days there's no noise at all. I can game for hours on end and its absolutely fine and other days it rattles.

I'm guessing that small air bubble gets stuck around the impeller and makes the rattling noise.

Hoping its not a faulty pump but only time will tell I guess. I will have another go at getting any air out of the system at some point.
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