Project: Rebuild (Name Change Pending)

Just because....

Here are the watercooling fittings which are not (currently) being used:


5x Dual Rotary 90's
4x Single rotary 90's (both ends female)
2x Compression fittings
2x 5 rotary "snake" fittings
2x fill ports
2x 10mm extenders
3x 30mm extenders
5x multi-link joints
18x multli-ink fittings (single O ring)
2x 3mm extenders

Er.... Whoops....
So, the tubing was completed last night.

And now we're on with initial leak testing:

Both loops have currently been filled with pastel white until I decide what colours to go with.
Initial leak testing + all of the subsequent testing has been successful.

Although the build hasn't got much further.

A couple of wires have been completed however I was short of quite a few things and with life getting in the way a little (Hockey season is back) it's taken a while to source them all. However all of the wires and connectors and terminals I need have arrived...

So that's a good start.
I'm taking a day off on Friday to really get on with this; so hopefully there should be some good updates this week!
Looking epic glad I stumbled across these builds....

One question though....... How do you go so long with out your pc it would kill me it being in a million pieces ?

I have an mITX PC with a 970 which plays some games so I'm not completely without it.
I probably couldn't cope without anything for this long!!
Ok so I thought I would share with you all what I've been working on for this; since it's now basically been ordered:


So this will replace the standard 900D Drive bays with a matt black acrylic: Which will have the Aquaero's and the Farbwerk mounted on it.
Well using all of the old wiring it is now turned on.

I just need to get the rest of the sleeving (since it's really untidy right now) and get the rest of the wiring done.
I'm hoping it won't take too long now, as coping without my PC is starting to get a little trying!
So all my things for sleeving turned up last night (I just hope I ordered enough wire).
I spent some time with them debating between two options for the first 6 pin (for the Soundcard).


Or this:


I chose the one with black, and got it installed...

So there have been a few delays due to parts etc. however those have mostly been resolved now.
The cabling was put on hold so I could use my PC to play fallout 4 sadly... I'm hoping that there will be another update very soon once the last part arrives.
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