Project Shazoo

10 Mar 2017
Hi Guys going to be making This build going for the cleanest build i can any ideas welcome.

Hope to do this project justice to some of the gorgeous ones i have seen on here im a long long time lurker.

Finally have the money and the time to do a project.

Just waiting on a few more parts and then i can fully build but going to start building today and get positioning and everything going.

Let me know if your interested
Nice one thank you. yeah just waiting on the new phantek cpu block and the 1080ti block but gonna get started on the case and everything whilst I wait.
Good Morning everyone, Legend-The Kraken Was a Present just put it there for testing purposes also just incase the phantek cpu block didnt turn up soon enough, minibiker-Thanks i hope i can do it justice. Yeah super lucky on the 1080ti got the phantek FE block coming but thats not till the end of april so will have to be patient there. Did a few bits last night just getting things situated and in place so i can measure how much cable is needed as i want it to be a really tidy build.
so got the motherboard, power supply, M.2's and the Ram in might have to get some more ram those slots look lonely like that

Sorry about how dark it is, was doing it late at night
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Good Morning everyone, Legend-The Kraken Was a Present just put it there for testing purposes also just incase the phantek cpu block didnt turn up soon enough, minibiker-Thanks i hope i can do it justice. Yeah super lucky on the 1080ti got the phantek FE block coming but thats not till the end of april so will have to be patient there. Did a few bits last night just getting things situated and in place so i can measure how much cable is needed as i want it to be a really tidy build.

I just got my Strix block last night and its a thing of beauty !
Will be taking a few snaps at lunch time . shame contact area wasn't polished to a mirror reflection but should be fine
Ohhh i can't wait to see it then it did look great from the pictures i saw, really looking forward to receiving mine and will be worth the wait, you can always polish it to mirror reflection though cant you. always worth it as then you only have to fit it once
Thank you guys, going to take the the HDD bays out as thats where i want to put the pump and the Res. Going to take my time on this Got to wait till the end of april till the GPU water block so i have time to make it look really good
A little bit more progress the Hard drive bays are gone and I have decided that the pump and resoviour will go in there. just got to make an adapter for the fill port and a very short connection to the pump

Just thought I would show you the outline that I'm gonna try and do with the water cooling. Bit of Paint but your get the gist my mate knocked this up in a couple of second

Done A little testing tonight and got the rig up and running, For a laugh i decided to Stress test it and see what it could do actually incredibly impressed at the temperatures that this Didn't reach. Way way way too messy and just set up to test the components. All working brilliantly so now i just have to patiently wait for the remaining parts to turn up

Obviously didnt have it running for to too long didnt want to push my luck but still impressed it has just the Geforce fan and an NZXT Kracken X41
Been a while since my last update but hopefully i will make a lot of progress this week, here is the start of the long boring job that is Cable management but a necessity as i want this to be a really clean build.

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