Ok, why has there been no progress then? Well, in the grand theme of disasters across this thread....disaster.....double disaster. *sigh*
Let's go chronologically rather than in order of importance.....you'll see what I mean in a bit.
My desk, PC, monitors etc are all in a brick-built office at the bottom of the garden. Flat mono-pitch roof with a couple of skylights. We started getting water dripping through the roof and I eventually managed to get someone to come and look at it. Plan was to rip the felt off, replace a bit of decking that had gone spongy and then re-felt. Just about enough time to get it done before the (first) storm we had hit.
It was only once they'd got the felt off and some boards up that we found that the leak wasn't because it had been done badly but because the skylights had somewhat of a design flaw that meant the water runs internally and then seeps in under the felt. Not only that but the joists of the roof around both skylights soaked it up and then dried and then soaked it up. Long story short, all the wood around those skylights is white and crumbly - missing even, in some places.
The fix for this involves emptying the room completely and then de-roofing it so there's just floor, walls and sky. There's a single layer of roof felt over the top so that it weathered the storms and we can delay until next year - can't have the dining room stacked with all my
sh stuff for Christmas!
Great, so that's "sorted" - at least on paper - now what. Well, my mum has ended up in hospital and again, long story short, it'll go one of two ways. Obviously I'm hoping that the slight improvement so far is indicative of a recovery on the cards....but I'm only too aware that it may not. Between visiting and admin and trying to get some work done around it, there's not a lot of time (or enthusiasm to be honest) for getting anywhere on this project for now. I'll come back to it of course...but I've no idea what the timeline will look like currently.
So, state of play currently? Well, it's entirely functional but what you might call slightly yee-ha'd!
All running stock on air and running very nicely. Games quite happily too. Would prefer to lose the whine of the CPU fan but to be honest, if you stuck it in a case it probably wouldn't be that bad. It gives me the luxury of something to work on and game on (should I get the time!) in the meantime....but not what you'd call something to be proud of!