Project Smurf 3.0

This is why I always run at least two PCs and maintain them. That way when I am having downtime due to modding etc I always have a PC to be on. It saves me weeks of messing around. That was partially why I bought Dianoga, so that hours spent just staring into space would be putting hours on the caps and so on in a cheap rig, rather than my expensive one.

It's also better because I can concentrate a lot more on fine details when building or modding a rig without worrying about having it back together at the end of the same day to use it.

Yeah, depending on how the whole case saga goes I'm thinking of ordering a test bench for just that purpose - to be fair I had the old system all set together but the internals were coming out to go in the new one which is when all the problems came to light. Sold all my old stuff recently for about £900 so not a small amount of money and paid for a lot of this in effect... More to sell once this gets sorted.
Yeah, depending on how the whole case saga goes I'm thinking of ordering a test bench for just that purpose - to be fair I had the old system all set together but the internals were coming out to go in the new one which is when all the problems came to light. Sold all my old stuff recently for about £900 so not a small amount of money and paid for a lot of this in effect... More to sell once this gets sorted.

I can't afford to keep newish hardware tbh. Well, I can but only like mine. Anything spare needs to be sold really before it ends up worthless. The hardware in Dianoga is pretty much worthless lol, so I won't be tempted into selling it :D

I did try a couple of months before I ended up modding it but no bites at all (every one wanted the CPU though but not the board or ram).
I can't afford to keep newish hardware tbh. Well, I can but only like mine. Anything spare needs to be sold really before it ends up worthless. The hardware in Dianoga is pretty much worthless lol, so I won't be tempted into selling it :D

I did try a couple of months before I ended up modding it but no bites at all (every one wanted the CPU though but not the board or ram).

Yeah I know what you mean, in the end I just built most of it in to a new system and sold that as one with my GTX 970 in it took a bit of a hit on profit but ultimately the £500 was better than it gathering dust. Sold the 980Ti separately and finally the waterblock/plate for it. I'm already thinking i'll struggle to sell the old customised case even if I do so with two EK slim rads in it but we will see...
FFS Smffy you're giving me ideas again now! Those pumps if they were mounted semi externally could easily be made to look like the carbs sticking out the bonnet on a modded car... Sense a future build could be stealing that redneck idea from you :D

Good to see you've got it up and running though even if Hex Gear are still messing you about with the original case. Just hope they get back to you soon with some decent news for a change!
FFS Smffy you're giving me ideas again now! Those pumps if they were mounted semi externally could easily be made to look like the carbs sticking out the bonnet on a modded car... Sense a future build could be stealing that redneck idea from you :D

That was sort of my plan for the mount in the new case, was planning to bore out two large holes up to the ridge on the mod kit so the plexi front and part of the pumps was showing... We will see if the case ends up the same or not.

Quite a while ago I did think of getting some perspex cut and replacing the side panel of the old case with a larger window, didn't do it but its funny how its ended up happening anyway haha!
Currently leak testing the most lazy hardline I've ever done, I'll tell you something two of those D5s in this link are immense... the fluid looks like pastel becuase of the whirlpool or flow coming out at full tilt. Visibly it's flowing like you wouldn't believe haha! Can't post pics as my laptops in the office sadly... Funny stuff though
I like what you did with the motherboard, do like a nice stealth look.

With the matching GPU plates and new RAM the modified board looks tasty even if I do say so myself... Ignoring the temporary case of course ;)


And as promised, redneck lazy plumbing which took me about 30 mins :D

Crazy power of these pumps running full was a sight to behold, the flow was incredible...

Now disconnected the top pump and just running the bottom for the time being as its not really necessary to have two in this setup.

By way of a heads up, if you're running hardline and using the Raystorm Pro be sure to use some extenders. The CPU block was leaking and when I took it apart to see why the 16mm OD EKHD fittings are pretty much too wide to fit the top of the block well enough. Using some extenders its fine, at a guess the same applies to other fittings but something to watch out for...

Amazingly the PC is still working, all components and the RAM still works so thats a good thing ;). Now all I need is a proper case/refund to buy one.
lol that case is amazing. Didn't know Hexgear had made a new one better than before :D

I quite like how that looks. It's very hot rod like.
WTF, you proper redneck it for short term use and still end up with a good looking build!

Props for going hardline on something you know will be pulled apart again when the case arrives, think I'd have bodged it with leftover soft tubing and random cheap fittings :D
Props for going hardline on something you know will be pulled apart again when the case arrives, think I'd have bodged it with leftover soft tubing and random cheap fittings :D

Didn't have any soft tubing and to be honest i've never used it haha!

I quite like how that looks. It's very hot rod like.

Its the Dual D5 Bitspower goodness, I actually thought it looks like some sort of car part part myself! That would be a cool build, cut an engine block in half and fashion it in ;)
So i'm still without a case and as every day goes by I seem to think of more things I need... Ordered a load of new cabling stuff, some honest feedback the crimping tool/tools I got to do it were the cheaper ones. They sucked really, so I just ordered the right stuff and my god its easier. Been playing with some braids, getting steadily better/faster at doing it and actually now almost enjoying it! No feedback on my returned case, prob give it the weekend and then i'll just raise as a PayPal dispute its just too slow to even 'test' it.

MDPC-X tools and sleeving - I'll go on record to back up JR's comment the tool is brilliant, well worth sourcing it as its just bang on. Also replaced the molex removal kit from the Phobya with the MDPC tool having found the latter useless and broke it eventually in frustration... Also an obvious difference, honestly not just saying that.

Sleevin stuffffffff

Testing on the CPU cable planning the slightly darker palette having modded the motherboard, thoughts on the colours?

Edit: Also to add these are straight to the PSU cables... Didn't want the extensions really so stripping back the ample spares the Corsair unit comes with making the new from there.
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Well, got a response from the Hex guys on chasing them having sent the case back close to 2 weeks ago... Not exactly ideal so just raised the dispute myself in PayPal hopefully that speeds it up a bit.

Frustrating though that basically nothing has happened since returning it despite having a few months back and forth and according to them they have no problems other than mine. Perils of dealing with small organisations I guess.

From them:
I can only apologise for the delay in having your case checked.
The team of Hans Peder and Nate are yet to both be available for their meeting regarding your case and will confirm the refund once authorised by Nate and the case has been checked.
I think they're Shade, Titanium Grey and Something blue... forget! Riviera or something...

Nice. I'm eyeing up a threesome of Black, Shade 19 and Titanium for my cables (in 1,000 years at this rate) but it's difficult to tell how much of a difference there is between Black and Shade 19. I want enough contrast between the 2 to be seen, but not too different so we have black and 2 greys, nor do I want the Black and the Shade 19 to just look the same unless there's direct light on them.
Nice. I'm eyeing up a threesome of Black, Shade 19 and Titanium for my cables (in 1,000 years at this rate) but it's difficult to tell how much of a difference there is between Black and Shade 19. I want enough contrast between the 2 to be seen, but not too different so we have black and 2 greys, nor do I want the Black and the Shade 19 to just look the same unless there's direct light on them.

Pretty sure they will look like a nice fade between Black > Shade > Titanium - Shade is sort of charcoal grey, in low light it looks dark but I believe black is jet black so will look different. Subtle difference looks good in my opinion... Another snap in relatively low light:


See how the connector black looks much darker?
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