Project: SR-2 Desk

So I thought I'd throw up a quick update before I disappear for new year I've been finishing off the legs today, as the metal rod for the attachment arrived a few days ago.

After the weekend I should be powering ahead with the frame as I now have a time restraint on the use of the workshop, but I'll explain that one at the end :)

Righty, today saw the lathe coming out to play, everyone, meet the little lathe...


half a leg base and the bar to fit into it


The best part of using a lathe, it makes finishes like this take about 30 seconds





and add the little feet :)


I'll be finishing the bars next week :)

The reason why I need to stop faffing about; My Dad (proud owner of this workshop) is building a 4 inch scale traction engine, he hasn't been able to carry on with it as he's been waiting for a casting...


The cylinder block, so he needs me to get off the milling machine and clean all the aluminium off it so he can start work on this :P

Happy New Year !
Looks incredible....

Two questions:
Your PCI/IO shield bracket looks anodised suggesting you may not have made that one yourself? If not could you either tell me here, or mail me in trust where you got it, if it is from a competitor.
Also how are you threading all of your screw holes?


Looking mighty fine. Some inspiration taken from the L3P desk? I'd love to do this later in life, looking awesome so far though.
Looks incredible....

Two questions:
Your PCI/IO shield bracket looks anodised suggesting you may not have made that one yourself? If not could you either tell me here, or mail me in trust where you got it, if it is from a competitor.
Also how are you threading all of your screw holes?



The I/0 shield is a danger den one, I was going to make one, then it became so much messing about that it was cheaper to buy one and ship it from the states :P

And I'm just tapping everything atm, might end up threading the screen stand attachment later on with the lathe, but for now its all nice and simple :)

Nice lathe!

I love this lathe :) its just such a nice lathe to use... the bigger lathe is really hard work, whereas the myford is the perfect size and it's nearly as old as me I think :) (or we've had it as long as I can remember)
mate the work you have produced so far is to a level that is fully professional....seriously great job you are indeed very very talented and obviously quite wealthly.....5k plus dropped in a desk...bravo sir bravo:)
mate the work you have produced so far is to a level that is fully professional....seriously great job you are indeed very very talented and obviously quite wealthly.....5k plus dropped in a desk...bravo sir bravo:)

lol Not wealthy, I did some work with mining a month or two ago, so 8 weeks underground in some not nice places then got paid and just threw it into this :P
I just have terrible impulse control, I had the plan and suddenly some pennies so I did it :)
Looking great.. Its going to be a mental machine when that is finished.. :o something that may be of use in the future is putting another of those resessed buttons (Like the one that is for your reset switch) and connect it to the BIOS Reset jumper. So basically when its not pressed its on normal mode for the BIOS and when its pressed it clears the cmos. I used to do it on some machines i had built for myself a while ago when they were being overclocked just in case but havnt for a while. I suppose it all depends how easy your hardware will be to get to once the glass/plexi on the top is fitted.
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