OK time for some MDPC sleeving
Being new to a full on sleeving job, a quick google her a quick goolgle there & BAM.
How to remove an ATX plug
Snipped the heatshrink, cable tie & sleeving off the corsair ax850 atx cable.
Then went & gathered pliers, wire stripper, the crimping tool I got from MDPC in all it's matt black glory
& my ridiculasly huge disposable lighter my bro bought me for christmas & isn't even half way used since christmas lol
Got a paper clip straightened out & tried using it but was too thick soooo, I took it to the garage, snipped it in half & grinded it so it was nice & thin.
Tested it & it does the job of removing pins awesome, instead of pressing it against the ground I held it tight in the pliers to push it the extra needed amount, first attempt & it came out perfectly, so so much for this psu being difficult hehe
, still though I'll need to dig out an exacto blade so I can heat it up to cut the sleeving well.
Nils awesome trademark custom cartoon picture
40 metres of black sleeving for single wires & I think 10 metres of sata sleeving too, 150 pre-cut heatshrink pieces, a nice length of heatshrink, a pile of pins, a load of cable clip pieces of all the available sizes, enough sata power pass through pieces & a few sata power end pieces, that is all I think
I might only do the CPU cable & the ATX cable tonight but it's on