Project Stealthlow

Very nice job on those sata cables. I gave up there!! lol
Lovely braiding. Makes me want to braid from scratch!

ReU VOoDOo - You sig is too big, best change it before the mods see ;)

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Is it a bit sad that I could give you all the part numbers for those terminals and connectors from memory? I used to work with these things for 12 years.

Great fan wiring mod though, so much neater to have one soiltary cable and connector to drive multiple fans like that. Might be a bit tricky to stick it on a fan controller though and could blow your motherboard to smithereens if you connected it up. So either you are intending to run it at 100%, are looking at a very high power fan controller or intend to make something yourself.
Like ~REALiTY said you could make money from modding bits & bobs :cool:.

Oh the fan wire mod that was a pre-made one by phobya but yeah I totally didn't expect it to be such high quality, could do with making the cables on it shorter really but I'll probably just keep it stashed under the hdd cages :D, no intention of fan controller or mobo headers with this, I chose very quiet fans :).

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The amount of stuff i would buy off you! haha
So true :).

Rig it up to a mains light dimmer switch ;)
I wouldn't know how lol but the fans I'm using on this are quiet enough already, any slower & they'd be absolutely silent :D.

Thats some awesome braiding,

Still can't wait to see the finished product, will be amazing!

Keep up the good work sir!
Thanks Baplad :).

Very nice job on those sata cables. I gave up there!! lol
:D Thanks ReU_VOoDOo :).

Lovely braiding. Makes me want to braid from scratch!

ReU VOoDOo - You sig is too big, best change it before the mods see ;)
Cheers Guitarman0 :), but the sig does look nice though :cool:.

Wow that was a needed change of modding :D.

I found the sata power pass through holes weren't quite big enough so had to make them bigger, also not pictured here I added 2 10mm countersunk pass through holes for fans close to the corner & also made a mount for an ssd aligned to do another sata power cable that powers the ssd & optical, the cable for that will be extremely short :D, still need to mod the angle & square bar in the bottom to allow fan cables to go underneath the hdd cages.



The ssd mount is just a small piece of 10mm flat bar that mounts the ssd & a 20mm flat bar that connects to the 10mm one & screws into the panel by 1 bolt, nice & simple :).

Also made the mobo panel power pass through holes bigger since I'm using extenders for those.

So now I can continue with the sleeving honestly can't wait until I complete the sleeving :D.

Watch these if your keen on modding :cool:.
Modmen episode 1
Modmen episode 2
Modmen episode 3
Modmen episode 4
Just finished all the sata power cables :) & got some pics of it all including the floating ssd :D been doing very well at using up the waste sleeving, sorry about the poor quality pics but I'll make up for that when it's all completed ;).

Oh yeah & so much for no more updates until I finish the sleeving, I'm in a habit of updating as I make progress :D.






Nice job on the sleeving!

Cable management looks like it's going to be very clean as well, also the floating SSD looks pretty damn cool!

Are you going to braid the SATA data cables as well or not? I know MDPC do some SATA braid, so wasn't too sure?

Nice job on the sleeving!

Cable management looks like it's going to be very clean as well, also the floating SSD looks pretty damn cool!

Are you going to braid the SATA data cables as well or not? I know MDPC do some SATA braid, so wasn't too sure?


Thanks kd :) yeah I bought some of the data cable sleeve too.
I've also had a rethink about the atx & cpu cables & I'm going to change the extensions into main cables, there was just way too much wire making a heck of a mess compared to the rest of it, I'll post before & after pics when it's done but wow they are seriously long cables :D.

Just realised I still need to add sata data cable holes on the tray lol.
OK Partial update lol

This shows why I went & had a go at making the sleeved ATX extender become the main ATX cable, it was silly long lol :D.

Tested out crimping onto 2 wires & to be honest it went fine.

And was also able to plug it with sleeving in the socket.

Snipped all the ends off the extender end I didn't need.

Started on making the 4 dual wires, I used wire strippers near the end of the wire to create an opening where I could join a 2nd wire.

2nd Wire tristed around nice & tight & knotted.

Cut the pre sized heatshrinks in half & applied over the wire.

Covered it completely.

And here with sleeving & heatshrink on & crimped ready for installing to the corsair cable & to merge the custom cable to the thoroughly awkward corsair dual socket.

Then the rest well....

I need a new replacement corsair AX850 ATX cable as I took the wires out of the wrong end & yes I didn't just take 1 out, I took 12 out without realising I was focusing on the wrong end so I don't know where the heck to put the new wires so I emailed corsair explaining my situation & hopefully they'll help me out on this & soon, I don't expect it for free but I just hope they can help.
Looks like fun :eek: lol

Seriously though, I love the attention to detail in this build, and your skills are neverending! lol

Build me one? I'll chuck you a tenner :D lol
Fun lol maybe not :D sleeving is the least fun area of modding for me but yeah I think it's worth doing, once it's done it's done & looks good :cool:.

Just a pity I have no idea when corsair will help out on a replacement atx cable, I could risk figuring out where the cables go but that would risk damaging the psu so I won't bo that :D thanks EniGmA1981 :).

Floating SSD is amazing, great idea.

I don't think I would have the amount of patience used to braid all that lot, I think I would end up crying!

Floating ssd wasn't an idea it was a fluke hehe :D, was just making a simple mount for it & it actually looks pretty cool :D.

The sleeving is a mammoth task but it's getting there :), I'm sure not looking forward to doing the custom length fan cables but I think I should get them done asap to get them out of the way :).
Lol, that's a heluva lot of cable braid, kudos for you for taking the time, it looks great.

It's a fair bit :) just gutted I need the atx cable to continue, I emailed corsair yesterday morning asking about a spare cable, then I emailed another corsair guy a little later, today I joined the forum & made a post asking about a replacement cable & no reply yet, wish I chose an enermax psu as I know there service is awesome, there is someone I know who said he waited 3 months for a replacement cable, I've seen lots of people complaining about bad support & I know it's really premature to say this but I'm already thinking I'd be best just buying a different psu, they haven't even acknowledged the email I sent them.
Were did you get the 9 fan cable from? Custom made? If so, could you create one of these for me?

Also, did you make the sata power cables yourself? I would love that cable because I have to bend mine all over the place to get them flat :p

Awesome Build btw. Can't wait for finished product :D
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Were did you get the 9 fan cable from? Custom made? If so, could you create one of these for me?

Also, did you make the sata power cables yourself? I would love that cable because I have to bend mine all over the place to get them flat :p

Awesome Build btw. Can't wait for finished product :D

Can't say on the forum but the fan splitter is a 9 way one packaged by phobya & it really looks like they use MDPC-X sleeving on them I was very surprised by this, I'm used to seeing low quality sleeving on bits like this :).

Yes, bought the wire which is all black & nice & flexible & the sleeving is MDPC-X & so is the sata pass through connectors & end connectors, just the sata power cable mods alone are very easy to do & could be a cheapish order from MDPC-X if only doing the hdd cables, I'd say it's easier than normal crimping on main power cables.

If your psu is modular you would have to take the pins out & crimp the new cables & if not modular a snip, wire strip, twist, solder or crimp & snap off the socket part, heatshrink then sleeve.

I first place the ends of the wire in a connector, press it in fully, do this for all 5 wires, then put the cap on & place the plug into the bottom hdd, then place the next plug with cap off into the one above holding the wire nice & straight & push it into the connector & same for the other 4 wires, snap on the cap & just carry on like that, very easy & to be honest you don't have to use sleeving you could just use wire but if you want a nice look then the sleeving helps :).

The sata power cables have been my favourite part of the sleeving as like you said there is always a heap of excess wire with standard cables lol like what case hdd rack out there has spacing like the spacing on these sata power cables that come on psu's lmao :D.

Cheers glad it's liked :cool:.

A chap on another forum has helped me greatly on my main ATX power cable problem, he is planning on sleeving his own soon & he made a diagram of where the wires should go & he seen me mention about it on my log & he shared it with me, very very very lucky :D, saved me waiting for a replacement from corsair which I have no idea how long I could have been waiting :).
An awesome chap on another forum made a diagram of where the wires go on this AX850 psu & shared it with me so saved me having to wait for corsair to help out which was a huge relief :).

Well I completely ran out of heat shrink after completing the main ATX cable d'oh so yeah to keep the sleeving of a consistant quality I had to make an order just for heat shrink :( but at least this time I will be able to dedicate a good chunk of the week to getting started on the windows :), I'd expect any future efforts for doing a sleeving job I'll only need to do the 1 order :D.

Here is the atx cable :), not as neat as an extender as wires cross all over the thing with it having 3 ends but I'll have no clutter around the psu now ;).



They look very nice - must've taken you ages!

whats the patch of about 3 pieces of heatshrink mid way along on the last photo?

Thanks teknokid :) the patch is where the cable needs 2 wires going into 1 socket, corsair should have gone with a simple 2 end cable but went with a 3 end cable which really complicated doing a sleeving job on this cable, it would be difficult crimping, sleeving & heatshrinking for 2 wires going into 1 small hole so I opened up a wire with a wire stripper to attach an extra wire to them which did a good job of what needed to be done ;) I'm just really glad the most difficult cable is complete :D.

Also I did the patches closer to the psu end so they should look nice & clean on the other side :).
I got back to the fabrication side of things since I can't do any more sleeving until I get the extra heatshrink :) & wow I really thought this would take a bit longer to do but I breezed through all the windows in a few hours & only a few of them needed a tiny bit of filing to fit in lol but it looks like the alu needs giving a nice finish again & the edges of the acrylic still need sanding so they are nice & smooth which should keep me busy for tomorrow :D.

Of course I'd love to rip the protective backing off to show it off good but I want to keep it all perfect for when the time is right :D.

So I thought about reducing the scuffs the jigsaw leaves by covering the base of it with masking tape, it worked :).

Here is the 1000mm x 500mm x 3mm light tint acrylic ready marked, was nice & simple to do, just plonked the side panels on & traced around the holes.

First panel done.

Both panels done.


At this rate if I go & buy a bunch of clamps this week some time I could do the acrylic curve this week also but I still need to add sata data pass through holes on the motherboard tray.
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