The photos in the sun really tone down the copper, making the tabs much more pleasant, although my eye is still drawn to them which I think is undesirable. I think partially this is down to the colour, but partly it's the shape. I wonder what a triangle, or better still perhaps something curved to match the rest of the design. Perhaps some S shapes?
You might be able to do the same for the cross bars, although that might be a nightmare to get the right shape. I wonder if they could be replaced by something transparent such as another piece of perspex?
Having said all that, what you have done is truly amazing and inspiring.
Thanks John, I can seeing it taking a while before I figure out something that looks good & functions good with the window clamp so it's gonna be a whole new PITA chapter of the project
Fantastic job you've done!
My own constructive crit: I quite like the colour contrast myself kinda steampunk, but I'm admittedly not a fan of either the tabs or the shape of the vents. If it were me I would have had a single large vent above the optical bay slot (fan behind it sucking air in) and left the rest of the curve unbroken. With the tabs, and the bars, I think it's the fact they clash with the sweeping vertical lines of the front/sides of the case by being so obviously horizontal. My 2 cents.
Thanks Somnambulist yeah it's not gonna be a quick solution making it spot on, I am confident it'll get there but when I'm not sure at all
Gonna have to drill & bung a thread insert into the clamping piece inside the fretsaw, it will not tighten up so the blade is very slack so it's only any good for thin or soft materials & even then can pop out quite easy so I'll need to find out the thread size so I can maybe even make my own, the blade keeps popping out when cutting thicker metal, so irritating.
Made a few tabs out of 5mm acrylic but prefer the copper so wasn't able to make a few with the fretsaw & my hacksaw died a bit ago which just leaves the jigsaw or manual fretsaw as an option lol grrr, manual fretsaw the blades keep breaking very easily (I must just lack technique on using it like any new tool) just not as good as a powered one for me, with the powered one I could effortlessly cut how I wanted on the line & I just can't with a manual one without a heap of practice.
Finally got around to re-painting the pci/io piece with the far better copper spray
& think that's the best news in this update lol.
And here is the vent meshes showing what it looks like with the small copper tabs & acrylic tabs but while I don't prefer the look of the full stretch tabs I just can't ignore they do what's needed which is to keep the panels at the same level all along the full length, they will be re-made so they haven't got the un-needed extra countersunk hole, might even thin them down in the middle so they don't stand out as much.
There is however another way to keep it so the window is held in place nicely & that would be to add a couple more tabs just below the vents but it would put the spacing out a bit.
Or even JB weld the internal tabs in place & just go & do full length tabs so it's easier to install & remove a full length tab.
I'm getting way too indecisive about what I'm doing regarding the tabs, it's just not fun modding, would have probably completed this by now if I chose to pass on the full length strips.
I'm sure the sudden increase of heat isn't helping neither, I tend to mod best in the cold, keeps me more alert & not slouchy, been 1 of those days where I'm lingering in the garage thinking what on earth should I do