Haven't posted here for a while now but have been following religiously. Keep up the great work!

Thanks Judgeneo will do

waynio, when are you finally going to put some hardware in it!
LOL I'm just glad the GTX 580 is still a nice performer

got hooked on that Alice madness returns the past few days & it trashed my sleep pattern

but back together again now

& made a little more quality progress earlier but no pictures yet so I'll have a proper update later & to properly answer your question it should be done within a week & thats givng me a lot of slack to do it by

Pure Skill! I love it dude, youve got talent!
One question, how much does it weigh? lol

Thanks mate, I'll have to weigh it but it sure isn't a light case

so will be pretty heavy when it's fully loaded, hdd's add a lot of weight to a case but I'll weigh it as empty & loaded, I'll even throw in the cost of the materials used, not the material that didn't get used

because if I was to make another there would be no faulty pieces, it's how it is once I've made something I just know how to do it all correctly so goes infinitely smoother

Hmmmm a bit of gaming when close to the end of a mod isn't a very good idea

anyway I'm straight again

so I'll try hard to get something or a lot done this weekend, already made the polished floor panel for the 2nd level & wasn't so bad to cut the stainless steel with the scroll saw but it was only 0.5mm lol, got everything I need to complete this now, but I need more satinising mops to give everything a final brushing but everything else I should be able to complete this weekend woo hoo, I originally bought a couple of each grit & like the coarse grit best as it leaves a nice deep brush finish so I ordered 4 more of those earlier

But yeah if I dedicate properly I could have it all done this weekend & then when the mops come I just disassemble it all & give a nice fresh brushing, clean the acrylic pieces & put it all together again & finally put the sandy bridge rig inside it woo hoo
