Project Stealthlow

This thread is jammed full of so much win it's going to explode soon!!!

The new copper grill looks perfect mate - awesome work with the countersinking, plus the double grill cover/guard looks awesome! Really nice touch!
That look really cool.

(Plus Yay the thread is moving again :D)
Thanks mate & yeah it's good to get this rolling again :D.

This thread is jammed full of so much win it's going to explode soon!!!

The new copper grill looks perfect mate - awesome work with the countersinking, plus the double grill cover/guard looks awesome! Really nice touch!
:D Cheers mate, it won't be a tripple layer grill though, decided against it.

Still good as always :)
Thanks mate :).

It's really nice not needing to sand the cut edges, they are quite smooth to touch even, just the face of the pieces that need sanding to take any rough stuff off.

Main problem with the tripple layer is it's just over 4mm thick :D so would complicate things unless I switched the 2.3mm copper mesh for a 1mm copper mesh but it would lack the depth which I like the look of, the shiny copper will be disapearing :D I'll brush it to tone it down a bit :D too shiny lol.

But yeah the new grill does keep in tune with the side panels, was just aiming for something that split 2 ways that works with the case a bit better & to have a little test for the new saw :), usually a grill like this would be bad for acoustics but this is something I learnt with my last case yes if you put a fan directly onto a panel with restrictive flow it makes it quite a bit louder but if you add a decent enough spacer it's just like a clear hole so this will be fine.

Anyway I'm off to add bevels to the strips now my bro is finished excercising in there :) should be a quick job with the disc sander, then I'll brush finish the strips, for mounting the strips I'll use 4 bolts, 1 at the bottom 1/3rd of the way, 2/3rds of the way & 1 at the top, this should keep them in place nicely, all the other internal tabs will be shortened & bolted in place to the main curve bars, decided to keep on avoiding adhesives when possible, I just don't have absolute faith in adhesive for structoral things especially this with it having forces going on :D although adhesives can be brilliant to hold stuff together while you drill, tap & use bolts, once this full clamp tab is done it should be plain sailing from there :D.
Wow, just had an epic session to make up for my bro hogging the garage :D so just carried on until 3:30 AM lol rather than running back & forth to the house I had a couple of beers :) & would have gone all night if I needed to to get these strips done :D.

I need to get an extra memory card for my kodak or an alternative lens that can take pics at a closer range, the kodak has enough room for 6 or 7 pictures with it's internal memory.

Anyway, the good stuff :D I straightened the strips & marked all the edges so I know they get a perfect bevel.

Gave them all a bevel.

Then took all the rough stuff off with a file as it was quicker & then gave a good sanding with 240 grit & then brushed them & also brushed the front panel.


Here I just used clamps to hold the strips in place while I drilled the mounting holes, just 1 at the top & 1 at the bottom & tapped the alu curve bar & added helicoils.

Before I called it a day I decided to add the extra holes on the copper front panel mesh so there were no blank spots behind the grill but on my last hole the drill whacked the panel right out of shape & it was double clamped tightly so not sure why this happened, but it was still hot from all the drilling & countersinking so I whacked away with a mallet against the flat piece on the vice, got it to a straightened out form but man it was way out of shape, thought I'd definitely need to redo it :eek:.

By the way thank you voigts for suggesting full length tab strips, they are awesome & thanks to everyone else for keep on reminding me they were the way to go :D.

Need 4 hands for installing the copper curved vents so left them out for this shoot & the strip tabs still need trimming down on both ends & the internal tabs need shortening a bit but that is a tiny task compared to what I just done :).

And wow I forgot to name the pictures lol.

Now onto the good shots or as good as can be when it's the middle of the night :).














Hmmm the front panel caught a few scratches which I'll sort out & the strips will need re brushing because of the clamps.

Really like the latest development photos - it looks so much more elegant.

The smooth uninterrupted lines at the front tie in with the side of the case – it's looking nicely balanced.

I’m still in total awe of your time and dedication – superb.
Wow that looks sooooo much better like that :o
Doesn't it just :D thanks mate :).

That looks a million and one times better mate!! I love it!!
:D Cheers mate :).

Looking really really good now. Just make those inner tabs hidden out of view and it'll be perfect!

Great work. :)
Cheers Diggsy & yes that's something I could be doing right now actually with the saw being quiet in operation :D, I found I was audible last night when I got these strips installed & had some drilling & grinding to do, so along with the scroll saw table I'm going to make I'll also make the garage sound proofed so I can create whenever I feel up for it :D my sleep pattern often flipps upsaide down so I'm missing out on being able to progress as much as I'd like to.

Cheers mate :).

wow that looks immense!
:D thanks ch3333z.

Awesome, that looks so much better!
Thank you Somnambulist.

Looking like a piece of art!
But it's got a great function too :cool::D thanks mate.


Really like the latest development photos - it looks so much more elegant.

The smooth uninterrupted lines at the front tie in with the side of the case – it's looking nicely balanced.

I’m still in total awe of your time and dedication – superb.
Thanks Plec, because of the bevels I put on the stips it doesn't lose the flush look which I was worried it would but it all looks more seamless now, I'm not sure about the front vent meshes now though, theres a chance I might leave them empty but if not then I'll probably be best to stick the meshes to the internal tabs for easier installation (currently need 2 sets of hands to install them loosely which isn't ideal) might even make new ones with having the saw now :D.
I'm not sure about the front vent meshes now though, theres a chance I might leave them empty but if not then I'll probably be best to stick the meshes to the internal tabs for easier installation (currently need 2 sets of hands to install them loosely which isn't ideal) might even make new ones with having the saw now :D.

I'm glad you said that, as I don't really think they add anything to the design. In fact if I was to be honest I think they just don't look that good at all. Perhaps another variation could be done now that you have the scroll saw, maybe even using a different coloured plexi for the pieces so that they don't stand out too much, but it looks great as it is anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Can't wait to see the finished product full of kit, it's been a great read thus far :)
I'm glad you said that, as I don't really think they add anything to the design. In fact if I was to be honest I think they just don't look that good at all. Perhaps another variation could be done now that you have the scroll saw, maybe even using a different coloured plexi for the pieces so that they don't stand out too much, but it looks great as it is anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Can't wait to see the finished product full of kit, it's been a great read thus far :)

:D True they look half arsed after the latest additions lol, theres a good chance I'll leave them plain holes but that's not 100% yet :), cheers Diggsy.

Thought I was in the clear with hiccups :facepalm:.

I'll try to keep this short but ended up going on & on & on like usual lol :).

The front copper mesh grill got more damaged than I thought when I drilled the final hole which is why it wouldn't sit flush to the acrylic, it bulges out by 1mm.

Tried whacking it into better shape at the time & then again today & seems nice & flat but not perfectly flat & it needs to be.

Decided I really like the copper mesh grill panel & going to alu for this front detail just would have been a come down for this, so ordered a 250x250mm x 2mm sheet & just in case I have more probs a 250x250mm x 1mm sheet so I can re-make it, but this time i'm going to go overkill with the clamping :D, thought I did before with 2 G clamps nice & tight but I guess not, really couldn't believe it when it completely deformed, really should have taken a picture, it was so twisted out of shape I instantly thought well that's that then :D but was using the kodak with it's internal memory with room for 6 or 7 shots.

I tried the original blank 3mm alu panel I made in the early stages of this project & it still fits perfect so at least the form of the case is still good, was getting worried it lost form some how :D.

I'll be a bit busy tomorrow but if I get chance & I'm up for it I'll get something done even if it's just finishing off the strips & then I'll have to use gloves so I don't get dirt or grease on them, the more the copper gets handled the duller it gets & the strips have already started showing clear dulling signs :eek:, so I ordered some brass lacquer for it to keep it's fresh look after I give it a re-brush & clean :).

The little copper vents are staying out of the build :D, they just don't look good after seeing them with the strips & they'd be quite restrictive for air flow so laters to them :D, I'll either leave the vents open or if I can think up something good enough I'll make something else but the edges got a good wet sanding so are near polished so theres a good chance I'll leave them as they are.

Just when I thought I was getting into some solid progress lol.
Hmmm, I started filing the excess edges off the ends of the strips & left side went fine, right side I got impatient filing 1 way & went both ways & with the 10mm x 1mm alu strips being uber flexible it pulled back & detatched from the case :( so was knackered, then I went & made another 10mm x 1mm strip & drilled in the same spots where the original had them & when I installed it it had a good bit of baggy flex so really not good, my disc sander seems like it's past it's best but I need to open it up to see what's wrong it spins well but it's making a ton of extra noise & vibrates heavily so needs opening & looking to see whats wrong, some of the case screws had come very loose so I'm guessing it's something similar inside the machine, hopefully it's fixable.

Only way I'll get these alu strips done now is if I use button head bolts as countersinking these extremely flexible strips just makes them even more so, so yeah I'll re-make the 10mm alu strips tomorrow & get them on with button head bolts for a better connection :).

Anyway heres some shots of the case with correct length strips & shortened internal tabs.





And because it was doing my head in I needed to see it in a fuller form so re-brushed the left panel & put the side windows in too :D.



The bottom front grill I'm using a tripple layer of alu until the copper arrives.
looks dead sexy and it would almost reminds me of old style radios with the front fan hole. Massive congratulations on the effort.
I really like those copper strips down the sides. This case is looking nothing short of amazing :)
Thanks mate :).

looks dead sexy and it would almost reminds me of old style radios with the front fan hole. Massive congratulations on the effort.
A few have said this, the whole art deco thing wasn't even intended, just turned out to be a similar style some how, didn't even know what art deco was when I designed this :D but when many were saying it's very art deco I looked it up & yeah it's a nice style so just rolled with it :D cheers Duesix :).

Fixed the disc sander which is a relief :) & re-made both the slim strips & underneath the slim strips I added 4 extra bolts on each side to hold it all down nicer so the slim strips are held in with just 2 button head bolts so the bottom front panel is held in better also now :).






Back on track now I think after mucking up the other slim alu strips :) but I don't know what's going on with the copper delivery.
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