Project: Style Over Substance (SOS)

5 Mar 2006
Otherwise known as Project: I've lost my mind

As some of you will know from my recent posts around various sections I'm half-way through planning a new system for myself.

I'll be going from my Q6600 & HD5770 to an FX6100 & HD6950/70.

Do I realise the i5 2500k is better? Yes.

Why am I going AMD when I know there's better out there? I fancy doing something different, I want to test out some tech that not many people have before (for whatever reason :p) and I wanted to spend my budget on shiney things rather than outright performance (I got my FX on a TWO + AMD cashback and it's cost me £92.99).

Given that I game at 1980x1200 / 1080p on high settings the processor's going to make next to no difference to the framerates and the other work I do is all in multi-threaded apps where the bulldozer can just about hold it's own.

Now that I've finished my justification on my poor processor choice we can start!

Here's what I've got at the moment -


Cable management fail :( -


And one of the many benchmarks I've done to compare before and after -


So... the plan...

I've already been out and purchased a Corsair 500R, 8Gb of Kingston RAM and the FX6100. I'm going to add to this a Gigabyte 990FX, XFX 6950, soundcard, headphones and cooling loop. My Corsair HX620 and Crucial C300 are being re-used from my current system.

I've also ordered a special present for the build from Germany (any guesses? ;) )

I'm still not completely decided on what water stuff I'm getting and where it'll go but it's going to be a 240mm rad in 1 of 2 possible locations -


And that's it for now! Hopefully I'll be able to update within the next week, everything should be finished and I can start benchmarking the Bulldozer by my birthday at the end of next month :)
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Plans look good, I don't think anyone can complain if your going to be using the FX6100 for multi threaded apps as that's what they are very good at.

Whats made you want to water cool out of interest?
Well there was a parcel waiting for me when I got back from work today... Can you guess what it is? ;)


You guessed it!


30m of white braiding, 5m of sata and a load of heatshrink :D

And just because I didn't fancy undoing 100+ connectors using the "paperclip method" I got this -


Gotta love the personal thouch he gives everything :D

More pics later tonight when I've had my first crack at it...
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You regretting the braiding yet? I'm in two minds whether to do this for my build or not.

A lot of effort but looks excellent when done correctly. Subbed!

I'm starting to a little bit after doing that one, REALLY not looking forwards to the PSU! :D
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Well I've got about half the PSU sleeved up now, hoping to have the rest done tonight so there might be some more pics cropping up later / tomorrow morning as long as nothing blows up! :p
Still got some tidying up to do and it won't look perfect until it's in it's place in the new case but -


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Nice one with the PSU, looks good! Must have taken bloody ages though! :D:cool:

It took about 2 nights, maybe 6 hours total.

The hardest part was getting the case back on the PSU, the total thickness of the cables has at least tripled now that they're all sleaved. I've ended up having to bend the case around the cable cut out just to get it all in :p
And I've just finished the 2nd PCI-E cable which just leaves Sata and fan cables to do but they're going to have to wait until everything goes in the case :)
It is indeed Monday and not being one to disappoint -


Gotta say a massive thank you to my wife, this little lot was supposed to be a birthday present but she's let me have it early :D

Hopefully the theme should become obvious now ;)
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