Project: Style Over Substance (SOS)

I decided the GTX960 wasn't powerful enough as I want the latest version of this build to last a while so I picked up one of these -


It needs a bit of modification - not happy with the bright green "GEFORCE GTX" logo and if I'm voiding the warranty to do that I might as well change the silver to white :p

I've also got some white RAM sticks turning up today and I'm getting very impatient waiting for OCUK to get a white Cablemod kit in so I can get everything finished.

I'm also pondering the front of the case as the front grill doesn't fit quite right at the moment. I may remove the grill and replace it with some sort of custom job - it could end up just being fan guards though!
Looking good man.

Does it bug you as much as me that the black stuff around the perspex isn't straight and has a little gap where it joins?

It will now you've pointed it out! :p

That was just the test run, I've straightened it up and closed the gap up before fixing the acrylic in place fully :)

Board went bad and got RMAd, I've got a new one so I've given things a bit of a spruce up when fitting it.

First of all, I decided I hated the green "GEFORCE GTX" so much I couldn't cope with it anymore. And whilst I was at it I got the white spray paint out again. Clearly I've not learned my lesson yet :p


It does look AMAZING now though -





No more green light!


And credit to MSI and Kingston - these 2 looked damned sexy together -


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Looks great Cyanide, mobo/ram/gpu all look fantastic together, really good match. How did you get rid of green nvidia light - changed the led?
Looks great Cyanide, mobo/ram/gpu all look fantastic together, really good match. How did you get rid of green nvidia light - changed the led?

It's actually a piece of moulded rubber with green paint on. You can pop it out and sand the paint off. It looks black/grey when it's off but it's actually clear so the LED shines white through it when it powers on :D

I think some of the newer cards have moved to coloured rubber/plastic but the older ones should all be painted clear rubber.
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