Just had a response from Corsair and they cant supply dual head pcie cables. Mucho disappointed as it means I'll need a new psu for my planned upgrades and I cant afford one alongside a 2nd gpu
Looks really nice Cyanide. You have a budget for the 2nd GPU/PSU?
If when you do put that card(s) under water, as they look like what I have (XFX 695X-CNFC/Z) you will need to use 6870 FC blocks rather than 6950 blocks. Seemingly the 695X PCB is based on the 6870 PCB.
[awesome side panel photo]
Haha that's a lot of HDD's! I need more storage but will be looking into NAS's I think.
Do you have any other plans?
Looks good but the dust on that rad! I'm afraid to look at mine now!
Wow the fans turned out great, well done! You haven't noticed an performance issues since painting them? Increased noise or less airflow or anything?
Only gave them a quick test before painting so I don't know it it's affected anything but there's certainly no difference in sound levels. The F4-120ER is an amazing fan, I've got them on PWM running at around 25% (~600rpm) and they're absolutely silent. When needed the aquaero ramps them up gradually - at full whack they sound like a typhoon but shift soooo much air!
Looking good man.
Does it bug you as much as me that the black stuff around the perspex isn't straight and has a little gap where it joins?
Looks great Cyanide, mobo/ram/gpu all look fantastic together, really good match. How did you get rid of green nvidia light - changed the led?