Project TARDIS! At last! M-ITX Watercooled Ryzen 3900X Build

Thanks mate!

It certainly was a mental challenge that left me thinking many times "is this such a good idea? should I have just gone for PETG?" stuff like that. But I love love the look of the glass tubing :) plus I learned some new skills along the way!
my own tardis wasn't too far off lol
(2x 7990 quadfire custom wc in a fractal arc mini matx)
Ooof I bet that was a squeeze :D

As you know then, on these projects it's can literally come down to the millimeter can't it? :D

A colleague of mine kept insisting that I am going to "have" to have a seperate pump and Res as nothing else would fit. You can imagine my delight when I found this small Alphacool one :D

Although accessing the Res to fill it is err...not without its difficulties :)

Checked this morning. No leaks, so the loop is good. Also spent several hours gaming last night. Rock solid stable and quiet with very very good temps.
Looks great! nice job. Do love a compact build.

Needs something tardisy now though :p. White/silver Gallifreyan symbols on the front/side perhaps? :cool:
Oddly enough, I am not a fan of Dr Who! I just felt it appropriate!

Really liking the finished article Phate, pretty damn neat build you've got there, the only thing ide change is maybe sheath & re-route those 2 thin red wires that are just above your psu as they really draw the eye, other than that it's spot on.
Really liking the finished article Phate, pretty damn neat build you've got there, the only thing ide change is maybe sheath & re-route those 2 thin red wires that are just above your psu as they really draw the eye, other than that it's spot on.
Thanks mate. Yes that's my makeshift CMOS clear switch just in case. I plan on sleeving that pretty soon. :)
Nice job just dont get the TARDIS reference its not bigger on the inside than the outside. A lot of power inside a small package is something else ?....
I was going for the thought train of there is more in it than you might expect at first :)
Thanks! :D

I've been using it most nights/days since completion on friday and I have to say I am really pleased with the performance. I am going on holiday tomorrow but when I come back I will have some RGB Strips ready to fit to finish the lighting inside. I'll get that CMOS wire sleeved as well and generally get it finished off. One thing that is bugging me is the blue power led on the front of the case. I want it white. So I need to look into that to get it changed over :)

In terms of performance and stability its been absolutely solid. Can't stop looking at it lol.
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