Project: Temjin-S

Got to love the organised mess, who needs a case.

Which rpm versions did you go with on your typhoons? I went with the 1850 they are not very loud and they really do push some air, also very nice on lower rpm for less sound.
K800 arrived today and my blocks and 240rad are at my neighbour's place.

No sign at all of the RAM :mad:

The K800 is amazing for typing on. So much better than my G19 and nice and quiet :D:p
Any news on how the EX rad fairs? I know i'm pestering you but I'm really waiting for a review that compares it to the thicker £100 rads before I do anything wrt water in my rig.
RAM just arrived :p

Fitting the waterblocks to the cards now:

Bare PCB:

Card with block only placed on:
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I tend to presume 'post' means gets to BIOS screen.

Cleec, odd for it to get to Windows logo and BSOD, do you have the same issue if you try a linux boot disc or something similar?

Do a memtest check etc... I'm sure you know the procedures by now for slowly ruling stuff out :p

Alternatively, maybe somethings somehow shorting on your ghetto rig... where's the TJ?

I think there may be a short. I got frustrated last night and there was a discharge but it was on the case. The TJ is in the other room completely stripped out :p

Startup recovery says something about a bad driver :(

Maybe this is what's causing my CSS problems.

Tried each of my 4 sticks individually. I think one may be faulty :(

I'll try my other win 7 installation on my HDD.
Oops resizing error.

The first pic should've been the size of the second.

I'm puttin the pics in spoilers so they're out of the way. I'll keep the resizing to a 15 inch monitor :)
Deffo software problem :(

Need to re install windows :mad:

EDIT: All up and running perfectly!!!

Well, apart from these random crashes! :mad:
I'm downloading Acronis now so i'll take a complete image now so hopefulkly I will never have to "properly" install windows again :D
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Basically, haven't done much recently. Just taken ou of case and am waiting in the new rads to arrive. I have some updates comin soon so all will be revealed then :)
Well i best find meself a comfy seat and wait on these rads arriving, you watch sb-e and x79 will arrrive in next few days and both our plans will go up in smoke .... well hopefully not literally anyways :eek::D

I'm still not sure on SBE as I won have enough spending money for some EVGA 680s :D
Only if i can find a cheap deal will I get it.
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