Project: Temjin-S

No Probs :D

I'm thinking of going SB-E or failing that, might get a new case...


Evening Mr Cleeecoo sah, ahh well sounds as though rjkoneill is on the case might not be long.

You and that upgrade itch - its catching i started the week thinking yeah ok watercool sb 2600k now its gone completely potty am watching reviews and builds until 5am in the morning, damnit that sb-e is tempting but £800?
I could justify maybe £450 for the "cheaper" one but then which mobo?

It actually makes my head hurt but we will have to keep each other updated as we dont want to do exactly the same build or maybe thats an idea :confused:

So confused with all the options, if and when you decide for definate what you are doing Mr Cleeecooo let me know might help me get my butt in gear :D
I'm decided on the CPU, 3930K if I have the money.

Mobo I am completely confuzzled about. EVGA are horrid with mobos. Gigabytes only have 4 RAM banks. Asrock ones look excellent

Don't get me started on the case!!

I'll keep you updated here with my decisions :)
gigabyte UD5 is my x79 of choice. layout is superb and it doesnt break the bank

may be wise looking at some of the asus boards too, notably the pro.

x79 is just out so there will be more boards on the way given time.
7 but it's a bitch to use as with pretty much every mobo you lose the last one in one way or another.

The UD7 only has space for 4 dimms :(
The 4 dimm blocks are small enough as they are Tbh!
Could I use the 4 dimm block with two DIMMS?
I presume I can :)

Let's not get ahead of ourselves with m future upgrades. I am quite literally skint (this is all rjkoneill's fault:p)
Nice to know.

His system was what I was talking about. In regards to sales, he's actually saved me quite a bit on all my EK stuff!

Going a little bit more on topic, my desk isn't big enough for my monitors. Can anyone recommend a place to get it extended (not going to do myself )
I'm thinking sharps ATM
Nah, I'd like it in line with this one. My current one as done by sharps with the rest of the bedroom when I moved in.
I want a desk To be extended around the corner

EK has dispatched my new waterblock :D
To the MM!!
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