Small update again

Probably going to be last one now before download and hols so see you in 3 weeks
As the bottom will be full of rads the psu cables will need to be into the top part and I don't like the cables on view so the only option is to put them behind the motherboard. Drilled a row of holes in the area behind the mother tray runner.
This was then cut and filed to make it just wide enough for psu plugs to fit through. I am not sure it is big enough hole but want the hole as small as possible to keep the cables nicely bunched.
Finished painting the case too and put it all back together to see what it will look like. I need 3 pci slots so not bothered about painting the silver ones. I can't decide on whether to paint the 5.25" HDD holder though,with the window on it is hard to see but I think it stands out with the side off - Opinions? Also you can see here I have mounted the xeon tray thingy (I don't actually know what it is for) the wrong way round and painted it black to help cover up some of the gaping hole in the motherboard tray.
Finally who doesn't like boxes of shiney things

Some of the fittings are from the first post but some are new. The rads are a SR-1 480 and XSPC RX 240 (the sr 1 240 was out of stock

) I had a test with the with silver 90 fittings and I think boths rads will fit in the bottom of the case but it is going to be very very tight. Also forgot to add in this pic, there was a couple of 120mm rad stands too
Picture showing how tight for space it will be with the rads. I think it will all fit down there thought I don't know if it will with the little tabs on the side panels. I can think of a couple of solutions if they wont fit, the xspc is low fpi rad so should be able to get away with some slim fans or even running it passive with 4 fans on the 480. The other solution, though I don't really know how effective it would be is to run no fans on the 240, but duct it to the 480 somehow so the fans on the 480 are pulling air through both rads, it would mean warmer air over the 480 but better airflow for the 240 (above just passive) so I don't think temps would be effected too much.
Ordered some Lian li vented drive bay covers to go over the hdd so the fan can still pull in ambient air. Hopefully they will arrive sometime next week. I also need to order some sata sleeve and some 90 bitspower fittings then I should have everything I need to actually build this thing.
Decided with the fans, I will build it with the yate loons at first. It wont be perfect but after ordering all of this, I cant justify spending £80 on replacement fans at the moment. Though hopefully wont be too far into the future I change them for apaches, depends how long my sanity lasts with the noise from the yate loons.