Haha thanks zoomee but there are much better project around than mine.
I have this log on a couple of fourms which I know some of you are on too, one I can't mention because it's a competitor and the other I just can't mention (the first rule of fight club is you're not allowed to talk about fight club - ok that's 1 tv and 2 film references I have made on this forum tonight, I will stop now) Usually I try to keep each one updated to the same level but differently but as my rig is down I am posted this on an old (old old old old) athlon 3200+ with a huge 1gb of ram rig which struggles to cope with a forum and photobucket open so while this is an update (yey!) it is a simple copy paste job from another form (boo!)
Haha well if people haven't heard of them then that could explain the lack of use. Well let me spread the word of the vipers to the family then
Time for my another update

Firstly a proper shot of the fans, I finally managed to get a picture that captures the metallic / flakes that are in the paint in this one. Still haven't found the time to do the others though they can be done one by one once the system is built as I would rather have a built system running yellow fans than blue fans but no rig.
It was then time to take apart the current loop and drain it. By this photo I had taken out everything I could and the loop wad draining away.
I took the oppurtunity while the loop was apart to check over my waterblocks due to EK's nickel plating problems. I didn't think there was any problems with mine but better to be safe than sorry. Checking block over it is all nice and shiney still
This picture doesn't really show much but it is the first piece of tubing going in

Feels like I am getting somewhere with it all now.
I worked out where I would need the pass throughs for the midplate, so away I went and cut the holes into the solid midplate I had. Feeling happy about my manly drilling skills I came to install the pass throughs are realised that the standard midplate got in the way. Using my trusted pink pencil I marked where the overlap was
I then preceeded to forget to take a progress picture of the dremeled piece
The next step was to carry on installing the tubing in the bottom for the rads

I took out the 480 rad to gain access to the 240 so I could do up the compression fitting at the front of the case.
And tubing in place
The next should have been to put the 480 rad back into the case and screw it to the rad mounts. However while the xspc rad mounts perfectly fit the xspc rad it didn't like being screwed to BlackIce rad. It seemed the problem was that the black ice rad mounting holes are slightly concave so the actual threaded part is too far away for the short screws to reach and properly grip. I knew the fans mounted via M4 screws so quick trip to the local hardware store and I returned with some 18mm M4 screws, while 18mm is short it is waaaaaaaaaaaaay to long for what I needed, so a quick mark up and back to the dremel and ta-da shortened screws.
These were then used to properly attach the 480 rad into place, due to the 240 rad being in the way I can only use three of the 4 mount points but it is enough to hold the rad in place.
Skipped a couple steps here again due to me forgetting to take pictures and it was just me fitting the last piece of tubing.
This should complete all the work I need to do in the lower part of the case but it doesn't, more on that in a minute.
The last picture I want to show you is a simple idea I had for a pump mod. I saw the bitspower pump case which looks beautiful but from everything I read about it you can't fit the ek pump top as well so it ruled out me using it. This left my with an ugly back of the pump showing with a big silver sticker on with pump information. Solution - a strip of black paper wrapped round and selotaped into place. Not particularly fancy but it looks 10x better than standard and blends well with the rest of the case
Now onto the problems of today
Firstly, as all the rads and tubing was in place I thought I might as well fit my PSU into place - wrong! When I worked out whether I could fit my psu and a thick rad in the bottom (which you can) I did not realise due to the uprights at the back of the case move the psu in towards the middle. This means that while my psu does fit in the bottom I can't screw it into place.
There is no particular reason for the psu to be screw into place and as I don't move my pc around there shouldn't be any problems with leaving it loose for now. If the psu vibrates too much though I will either place it on a foam mat to insulate it from the case of make an adapter place to I can screw it to the case.
Problem 2:
As a quick sneak peak for myself I plugged the cables into the my motherboard and put it into place and hit a problem. No pictures though as I don't want to reveal to early the 'completed' rig. The problem is that the holes in the midplate have to be in the middle to fit between the two rads so I mounted the pump as close to the motherbraid tray rail as I could to keep the tubing in the same plane as it would look better. The problem is the pump then sits exactly where my 24 pin wires come round from behind the motherboard tray to plug in. My initial thought was to move it away from the motherboard tray and closer to the drive bays but the it would cover the hole I cut for the sata cables to pass through, so the only solution I have is to move the pump forwards (away from the motherboard tray) so that the 24 pin can sit freely behind the pump. Not the ideal solution but I have no where else to mount the pump. I will take some photo's once it is back in place. This also means that I have to take the midplate out to drill new mounting holes meaning I have to take the fittings off that connect to the underside of the midplate
Problem 3: This is only a minor problem but still a PITA as I didn't see it coming. Due to the case being inverted atx now the cpu is really close to the midplate which means every possible idea I had for fittings from cpu block to midplate don't work. The two solutions to this I have thought of is using a 45 degree fittings with a 45 degree compression fitting on the the end as this extends away from the board and almost inline with the hole for the midplate, downside of this is that it will leave me with only about 25mm of tubing between the fittings which is going to be really really difficult to fit. The other option is use some extensions and a 90 degree fitting as it will almost get it inline with the midplate hole but give me more tubing to play with. Either way I have order bother the extension and 45 fitting so I can see which is best.
Finally, problem 4. My nice braided sata cables don't fit!

Being a tight fit with the pump where it is going the hole for the sata cables to go under the midplate had to be close to the drive bays. Turns out it is too close for the straight ended sata cables to curve and go through so I have ordered some sata cables with one end being 90 degrees which will fix this problem. I will have to re-tape the sata cables which is a pain but luckily I should be able to cut of the heat shrink of the current cables and re-use it on the 90 degree sata cables as I don't have enough sata braid to do 5 more.