Looks great man!
This looks great I love black n green combo. Nearly thought you had a blue cpu block until you showed it with the cover, phew! Also agree the fans look awesome
Those custom shrouds look great as they seem to fit perfectly and focus your attention onto the components in the system. (I think I'm developing a soft spot for custom shroud/cover mods)
The system certainly appears to be coming on in leaps and bounds as it is looking great so far.Just wondering though about the GPU mount (Sorry if this has been asked already) but is it secure in the current position or will you be adding any more mounting parts to it in the future ?
If those shrouds are still cardboard, maybe you should consider moving the reservoir up a bit so that none of it is covered by the GPU. Like, it should be at the midpoint between the top of the GPU and the top of the case IMO.
That is, if you can even move it now.