Done a bit of tidying on the PC.
Stripped down the waterloop and rinsed all the loop with fresh distilled water. I forgot to rinse the rads after I first flushed em, so the liquid still had a faint vinegar smell to it.
Thought about what Kibet85 suggested and after a couple of new holes drilled in the base... voila.
Radiator is right up against those front fans now.
Its definately given more room inside, which should make it easier to do cables, maintain and bleed etc. Cheers for that.
Also stripped down the gfx card and glued some of the heatsinks back on with thermal adhesive. Used a bit too much of the stuff - I probably used a small pea size, and should have gone for a pinhead size blob! But those heatsinks arent coming off now without dynamite.
Loops all back together and leak checked. Replaced the dodgy drive, and that just leaves the caddie experiments (thanks to DirtyJester for his efforts) and I'll sort out the SATA cables which look all messy in the back there. I have 4 black ones to put in.
Stripped down the waterloop and rinsed all the loop with fresh distilled water. I forgot to rinse the rads after I first flushed em, so the liquid still had a faint vinegar smell to it.
Thought about what Kibet85 suggested and after a couple of new holes drilled in the base... voila.
Radiator is right up against those front fans now.
Its definately given more room inside, which should make it easier to do cables, maintain and bleed etc. Cheers for that.
Also stripped down the gfx card and glued some of the heatsinks back on with thermal adhesive. Used a bit too much of the stuff - I probably used a small pea size, and should have gone for a pinhead size blob! But those heatsinks arent coming off now without dynamite.
Loops all back together and leak checked. Replaced the dodgy drive, and that just leaves the caddie experiments (thanks to DirtyJester for his efforts) and I'll sort out the SATA cables which look all messy in the back there. I have 4 black ones to put in.