Project Whurple - White/Purple Watercooled Build - Changes to 3d printer build!!

WOW that's a Lot of gear for the money mate
Am insanely jealous I don't have a friend in China or Hong Kong lol
Guessing that's just a little bit of the anti vortex plastic that broke off
If want the res attached to the pump
Few options
Check if the end of the res comes off and leaves the pump able to be fitted to it directly
Or use a male to male extension
With those you have to attach pump and res before it's in the pc~unless it's a rotary male to male
Or use an adjustable sli fitting
Or somewhere I have a friction fitting for doing it
One half screws in res one in pump then you just push them together
This let's you mount your pump then can just push the res on
First time used those was scary as held together with 3 or 4 O rings friction
But worked great
They are useful for when things are too tightly spaced to get your hand in to turn fittings etc
WOW that's a Lot of gear for the money mate
Am insanely jealous I don't have a friend in China or Hong Kong lol
Guessing that's just a little bit of the anti vortex plastic that broke off
If want the res attached to the pump
Few options
Check if the end of the res comes off and leaves the pump able to be fitted to it directly
Or use a male to male extension
With those you have to attach pump and res before it's in the pc~unless it's a rotary male to male
Or use an adjustable sli fitting
Or somewhere I have a friction fitting for doing it
One half screws in res one in pump then you just push them together
This let's you mount your pump then can just push the res on
First time used those was scary as held together with 3 or 4 O rings friction
But worked great
They are useful for when things are too tightly spaced to get your hand in to turn fittings etc

Would this work?

Looks like it will
Can't tell from photos how you attached it though
And that helix is getting sprayed white or purple or half and half isn't it?

Helix has an rbg light in it and is purple amazingly. I think ive also found a way i like the pump/res
Ah nice helix looked black in photo

Yea at an angle it's like a purple uv kind of colour. We shall see when we light it up. Just got the board out now and it doesn't have a pump header but does have a load of fan headers. Can you use a pwm fan header for a pump? I know my board x399 has a good few headers specifically for pumps.
Yea at an angle it's like a purple uv kind of colour. We shall see when we light it up. Just got the board out now and it doesn't have a pump header but does have a load of fan headers. Can you use a pwm fan header for a pump? I know my board x399 has a good few headers specifically for pumps.
Yeah used fan headers before motherboards started doing pump/high amp headers as custom watercooling became more popular
Yeah used fan headers before motherboards started doing pump/high amp headers as custom watercooling became more popular

Hold on... The board manual has literally nothing about pumps... but the website for the same revision board:

I guess ill find the chassis header.
Good spot
Looks like chassis header then:)

It's starting to come together :) mapping it out as I go!

Thought I would take a break and show you guys some bits. I got lucky again or at least I think I did... Let me explain, you know those £18 fans I bought with the controller, well they use a 6 pin rbg which if you have an argb header you can then wire into the board for control via software. This board is too cheap for that so I was relying a bit on being able to mess about with and rewire fans if required. Well all the bykski stuff also has a controller and that controller just so happens to be almost identical in terms of wiring but with different functions on the remote. So the one controller without any changes to wiring at all can control all the fans I had, plus all of the watercooling stuff.

Never bent hard tubing before so this should be fun.
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That's a great bit of luck if can sync it all with one remote
If it hadn't done that
There's a way to alter what the remotes do thought forgot the button combination
Used to do it with cheap led strips
Simple example sometimes you got them
And pressing say red turns them green etc
You did the button combination until got colour you wanted
Bit like tuning universal TV remotes
You luckily don't need to
But might be useful info for the future
Couple more pictures of the build, this is my first watercooled build since I was 16 so 20 years or so ago. Let me know if there is anything that stands out as wrong :)

Right now I am just getting everything into position and all mocked up. Ill tear it all down after that, paint what I want to paint and then put it all back together.
Looks nice mate though am on phone so pics come up small and zoom only shows tiny area at a time
Little unusual the cpu in let and out aren't side by side
But guessing as there's some sort of label on it you correctly orientated it
Does the flow meter light up too?
Looks nice mate though am on phone so pics come up small and zoom only shows tiny area at a time
Little unusual the cpu in let and out aren't side by side
But guessing as there's some sort of label on it you correctly orientated it
Does the flow meter light up too?

No i dont think the flow meter does. The pump does, the res does, the block does.

Cpu inlet is at the bottom and outlet at the top. Turns out you cannot have a rad in the top of this case, as the fans are a fair way from clearing the memory. Right now im thinking of it looking like this:

Might try the top again just to be sure im not being a noob
Right have stopped, need a bending kit with one of those silicon inserts otherwise its never going to happen.
No way to offset a radiator at the top?
That's how mine deals with clearing the ram
And any anti vibration under the pump?
I really should look at the pics on pc lol
Be much easier to see
Yeah silicone insert is needed
Seen plenty people just use that and not fork out for the mandrels though
It's looking fantastic so far! Appreciate how the AMD logo is peeking through between the rad and the res.

I had to wire up all of the RGB :)

I took the whole thing apart and there is no way it will clear the ram in any way having the radiator at the top.
I had to wire up all of the RGB :)

I took the whole thing apart and there is no way it will clear the ram in any way having the radiator at the top.
Ohh the white RGB looks really clean actually! Really like the way the helix and CPU block are lit up too!

Question though, will you be integrating RGB into the desk? :cool:
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