Project Whurple - White/Purple Watercooled Build - Changes to 3d printer build!!

Even when you are a practical person
Cutting in paint can be a pita
Especially if the corner of the wall isn't
A nice sharp angle
I used to have a friend who sadly died
He used to buy and flip property
He could fit a whole kitchen and bathroom from scratch everything would be absolutely
Spot on
Yet he couldn't cut in paintwork or hang
Wallpaper so always got me to do it
Always struck me as weird he was so
Practical but couldn't do those

Not that the corner of your room is a big
Deal lol
It just caught my eye as everything else is so spot on
And yeah bet she's happy I use laptops
If necessary but it's just not the same
As having my desktop pc

It's funny you say that as I can wallpaper but can't cut in to save my life. I tend to run frog tape and hope for the best :D Mostly it doesn't work out as demonstrated :) Wallpaper though.. no problem :D I even knocked off the artex and plastered the ceiling in the hallway myself. I hate paying for things I can do myself, or learn to do myself. That is often my biggest downfall.

I had to do and learn a lot in this house. I learned to fix walls that were falling down, plaster, all kinds... I even turned this:

Into this:

And it cost next to nothing, about £500. It's just patience, time and motivation. That's literally all you need. And yes it took seemingly a lifetime to tile that back wall with the small tiles. It is also a lot harder than you would think to do an entirely random tile placement. Feels good when you finish a project though. That was about a month to do that bathroom in just evenings and the odd weekend. The hallway was about the same.
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Likewise if I think I can do something myself I will give it a go
Though nowadays a few prolapsed discs
Make doing any DIY very difficult
Which is so frustrating when done it all
Your life
But yeah in theory wallpapering that and
Especially plastering that ceiling
Should be miles harder than cutting in
Some paintwork
You are obviously a very practical guy
So struggling with a bit of cutting in is
Just one of those weird things that
Happens, can't be perfect at everything
I guess lol
Never bothered taping I just use an angled sash brush and seem to have the
Knack of cutting in luckily
Not having a nice straight line on cutting in is something that can really catch the

Gonna have to put some artwork up and a corner shelf like my corner of the room. Once all that is done ill try and be lazy and cut in around with a small brush. That is how it normally goes down and I don't doubt it will be the same here!
Been doing a couple of benchmarks and this little 3600 is actually an upgrade on the 2700x or matches it in most things. Not bad at all.
The Bathroom/toilet wall tiling is nice mate
Makes a change to see it done randomly
Instead of a repeating pattern
Done a fair bit of tiling only time I found it
A bit of a problem was when it was old
Victorian walls and they wouldn't pay
To have it made good before tiling
Some people don't seem to understand
Preparation is important to get a good

prep was everything, I spent a week pulling everything out. pulling up layers and layers of **** stained flooring and wallpaper, I'm not even kidding when I tell you the old toilet was filled with cement and cemented to the floor. I literally took to it with a sledge hammer :D

I took pictures :D

I love looking back through all this stuff, it reminds you why you do what you do. Plus... The cats where kittens around this time so every other photo is an adorable kitten photo:

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Yeah it's great to have pictures of before, during and after
And the kittens cute as **** too lol
Looks like a tiny version of my old fat tabby lol
Can go one better than sledgehammer to a toilet though lol
Years ago I had to remove 42 cast iron baths lmao
Too heavy to lift so had to stand in them
And ring them like a bell with a sledgehammer till they shattered
The good old days lol

AMD Accepted my RMA <3. Huge respect given I told them exactly what went down. I hope this speed and support isnt simply because I have a contact and raised the RMA from my business account. If this is standard levels of support then that is fantastic work.

Just got an update and they have even pre paid the postage for me.. Nice!
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Nice, especially since you were up front
About it
Lot of people break stuff and think it's their right to rma it and pretend it wasn't them broke it
So respect to you and to amd

They were well within their rights to tell me to do one. In fact, I expected that but clearly they are customer centric enough that they know stuff like this breads good will. My guess is exactly that, ain't nobody going to be complaining with exceptional after sales service.

In fact im likely to recommend their products more based on this experience so far.. they do still have room to mess it up though so lets not get too excited!
I'm late to the party but I've caught up :D So how long do we think it'll be before these two projects collide and there's an import 20krpm mill spindle mounted on the 3D printer gantry and it's spitting out custom water blocks?!

That might be some time yet. I keep getting snowed under with work, take today for example, left for London at 8 as I needed to meet one of our partners there for a change over of some hardware. On route I got a distressed call from an ex colleague who has set up on her own and I contract for who also now has a broken laptop, so I went up with one spare machine and come home with 2. I got back home at 2 ish, finished up with normal work. Popped to post office to get a members market item sent and then jumped onto this other machine... it's now 11.25pm and that machine is toast, so I needed a machine that can legacy boot windows 10.

I spent about an hour on 2x HP 745 g4's that I have laying around as spares thinking you can legacy boot 10 on them... not a chance, so now I have had to boot it in my spare gaming laptop (6700hq / gtx970 6gb) to get them up and running for a project they need to finish. Seriously having 100 people all over the show and a team of 3 supporting is a little bit of a nightmare. Tie that in with my other clients and right now I'm spread massively thin.

The two guys that I manage do what they can but right now everything is getting shipped to my house and i've had to make significant system changes to our telecoms, core infrastructure and just generally the way everything works so getting back up to normal sorts of workload seems miles away right now.
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They spoil you with two helpers?! ;) It's an odd time in the IT world - seems to be either dead quiet or manically busy. I'll throw in a comedy curveball for you. We've got one user working from home that's going to Bulgaria! That'll be a support joy!

Technically it is 3 but one is a dev and only does dev work so I have two support staff a dev and myself. We are in the crazy busy camp for sure. It's like having a million satellite offices where nobody knows what they are doing.
Well, at least 50% of that is normally par for the course, no?!
I wish you luck. If you need any help on things that can be outsourced, give me a shout.

I guess there is an element of that to it :) I mean we are probably a bit special in that we have dumped our office, moved everything into a DC (colo), migrated our isdn to SIP, new firewalls & a network redesign. So yea that over a period of 3 weeks to meet the end of our lease was a bit mental. I just hope that we start to calm down a little bit now and get back to some sort of normality.
AMD said:
Your return processor has successfully passed the inspection and your replacement product is now approved.

Massive props to AMD, hooked me up like you wouldn't believe. That is some service!!

Seen as that is done i'll let you in on a little secret... Somehow when i was boxing it up i bent a ton of pins.. 2 mins with a credit card and not even AMD can tell :p
You naughty boy lol

Its a secret. Shhh. I still have no idea how I did it but after inspecting it 2 rows at the edge were bent over, whipped out the old plastic and straightened them up, for final straightening i then used the socket. Cleaned the whole chip up with ipa and sent it on its way. 1 day it took them to approve and ship a new one.

Uess using your credit card to straighten
The pins
Saved using it to buy a cpu lol
1 day is really great service

I bought a new one anyway. But I have already got a buyer for the 2700x. Doing my mate a deal on it and the replacement board. Cpu and board for £100. Super special deal.

After all is said and done ill only be a few quid out of pocket given all of it is being replaced. Just glad i picked the right vendors. Had any of the kit been asus or a vendor like that it would have been game over.
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Would be great if all companies worked
Like that
That's pretty exceptional service

you are not kidding:

My mate is over the moon that he is going to get this for £75 and a board for 25, he is still rocking an old bulldozer so this is a big upgrade for him. Couple it with some memory (16gb 3200) I have bought him from china and its an entire platform upgrade for £140. Im not sure you can beat a 2700x, b450 and 16gb 3200 for that price.
He's getting a great deal
and yeah from a bulldozer to that he should be really happy

Forgot to say think you forgot to leave trust for the fans I got from you :)

Not me - Dunno what you are talking about :P Just updated it :) Just got off the phone to asrock... Jokers are saying 8 weeks to process an RMA and force you to go through the original vendor. Jokers, I probably wont buy asrock boards in future and will be back to Gigabyte. 8 weeks... lol!
Lol you look guilty
Thanks mate 2 positive looks way better than 1 did lol
8 weeks ouch
Bit different from the AMD cpu experience

Corsair matched AMD... 3 day turn around but without the comms (impressive but not AMD levels of inpressive)... asrock you jokers... support your damn products in the same way your piers do!!
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