Thanks you guys, maybe I can change your minds about the tribal thing
no competitor linking please
Update 05-06
I am on a roll with this project

A few things to do like:
A paintjob of the DVD player
Disassembled xplayer
And after some layers, a black box. On the DVD there was a clear round sticker. Placed a white sticker in the middle of it
I want to place the reservoir without the holders, so I have a made a piece of mesh
Painted it black an made a hole in it
Placed like this
Put everything together
And the picture of the mesh with the hole for the fill port
The fillport under the DVD, which is holding the reservoir in place
And then ....... the best job, filling. The well-known Feser One UV Acid Green
Tasty poison green
And fill it. First a little bit for the leaktest
And after some hours the rest
After some rinsing and waiting Feser becomes quite "calm"
There's still a lot of air in it, but will disappear eventually
Front also quite nice. Reservoir is good to see through the mesh
And another picture of the tribal panel
There are some nice things that i’m gonna do with the radiator and a double bottom for the cables, so he's not finished yet