Project : Zotac ITX Rebox

6 Mar 2011
My first scratch build was this .....


Project log here

It's a HTPC that uses a ZOTAC IONITX-P-E , a pico psu and laptop brick and runs XBMC to stream from a server . When I built it I needed a graphic card with an analogue out so that I could connect to a crt television . Now that I've joined the 21st century with a tv with a hdmi connection I don't need the graphic card . I added a vent above the cpu fan and that seems to work well enough for cooling .

The card now lives in my second project , this another HTPC with an ASUS AT3IONT-I Deluxe ....


The project log for it is here

So there is no need for the extra space I thought it was time to make a new case for it . I was happy with the look my second project so I'm going for the same sort of look only smaller about 200mm by 200mm by 70mm .

Dubious sketchup picture .....


The main difference between my new build and the Asus build is really the constuction . I want to make something that is simpler to build and that I can get parts laser cut for so that I can make more for friends etc .

So 4mm acrylic it is then ;)

First part is the base and internal sides . I want to do this as one part with the feet as part of it .

I've not bent acrylic before so all a bit experimental for me .

First a jig ...


First trial piece , only a 50mm wide strip .


I didn't really like the sort of double radius at the point shown by the arrow .

So I had another go with an extra clamp ... you can see the tighter curve on the right .


Going to try out a full size one now :)
So first attempt at a full size one .... sort of good and sort of bad ;)

Blank in the jig about to get heated ...


First bend ... waiting for it to cool .


And the second .


So all sort of works but a couple of problems ...

I think I'm taking out of the jig before it's cool enough , it's hard to see but the sides aren't at 90 degrees . I think it's distorting as it cools unevenly . Easy fix I think .... leave it it longer .


Second problem , the ends of the acrylic are bulging out . I think my jig is too tight and it's forcing the acrylic out as it bends , you can't see it in the picture but there is a sharp line on the inside of the 'foot' where the jig is pushed into it .


I think I need to radius the parts of the jig that push into the acrylic .
Forgot to update this one :rolleyes:

So I spent an afternoon working on this project ....


And I finally got one the right size and pretty square :)


But I've run into problem if I want to make a few of these .

They all come out a slightly different size . Not by much .... about 1mm but it would mean that various parts of the case wouldn't line up :(

I think the triple bend is just too complicated for me make with any sort of consistency .

A bit of a rethink is needed :)
Strip Heater

So I've got a new plan for this , same sort of look but a couple of changes to the construction .

I've got some 2mm acrylic now so all I need is a strip heater . Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd put in here :)

First step I dug out my old foam cutter and power supply from when I made and flew RC gliders . Still working after 15 years but I suppose there isn't much to go wrong with it :lol:


I want the wire to stay straight when it gets hot and expands so some sort of tensioning thingy is needed ....

Brackets .


Some bolts with springs .


Tensioning thingy fitted with the wire and electrical connection


Test run .... it's hot and it's straight ;)


Seems there is something that can go wrong .... just after I took the picture the wire snapped :worried: luckily it's not under much tension so I didn't get whipped by a bit of red hot wire , maybe a bit too much heat for my 15 year old wire :duh:

Anyway running repair until I get some new wire .


Finished :)


And a bent bit of acrylic .....


And if you're really interested a video of the tensioning thingy in action ....

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So a quick rough and ready test run of my new plan :)

Internal bit , I'll make the corner cut outs neater on the real thing .


With the cover .


So far so good , the parts are square and the right size :) The only problem is the top sags slightly . I though about fitting a brace to support it but I'm trying to keep everything as simple as possible . Second idea was to inset the front panel instead of fitting it on the front but then I lose the clean look of the front .

Then I realised .... turn it through 90 degrees inset the sides . Clean look to the front and support for the top :)

Impressive so far, liking this project. How much are the materials your using and how long does it take to bend?

I'm not sure on material costs yet . It doesn't take long to make the bends . If the wire is up to temp it takes about 45 secs for the 2mm acrylic to be bendable .

I like the look of this project. Scratch built cases are always more interesting that other builds.

BTW, what are you using to heat the acrylic sheet? Ever tried bending a large raduis with acrylic?

On the first case design with the foot I was using a heat gun on the new one I'm using the strip heater I made .
Today's progress ....

Now I'm a bit more certain about where I'm going with this I started on an accurate template for the base .


First proper go at a base .



Made a jig to hold everything square while gluing the sides on .


Bit of weight to hold everything steady .


Sides stuck :)


And a trial fit with the old top .


Now I know I said I wanted to keep the front face clean but now that I look at it I rather like the white edge of the top showing .....

excellent work, i reckon people would buy those you know..

I would ^

Id buy one 100%

Thanks guys .... good to know I'm getting it right :)

Mini update :)

I've been working on fine tuning the bending of the internal part of the case . I'm trying to improve the accuracy of the tabs etc .

So yet another template , turned through 90 degrees so that the coloured panel is on the front . I've also put in the mounting points for the standoffs etc


A slight change to the strip heater ... these bits hold the wire in position more accurately .


Almost there with the corners :)

So after many templates , jigs and remakes of templates and jigs and trial pieces and slightly different trial pieces ......


I finally feel like I'm getting this sorted :lol:

The internal and front and back bits for two cases .... both the same size ( the right size ) , both square and they match each other :)



So next to sort out is the cut out for the I/O plate then on to the cover and some sort of ventilation .

pyropetepete .... no room for an optical drive , now that I've done the cut out for the I/O plate you can see how tight it is on space .

There's 15mm under the mobo for a laptop hdd and a low profile fan .


Very nice :) May I ask how you made the strip heater?

The strip heater is very simple . It's just a length of NiChrome wire , 24swg is about right , mounted on a base . You need some way of keeping the wire under tension as it expands when it heats up . I made the tensioning bolt thingys but just a simple spring or a bit of bungee cord would do the same thing . My one runs of a 30V 2A transformer . If you look at the picture you can see the wire is longer than I need , this extra bit lets you adjust the temperature by varying the length of the wire with the electrical connector .


Looks really good.

You mention there is no space but what if you used some thing like a slot-loading drive:

The size seems quite small (128 mm x 12.7 mm x 129 mm) and with this I think it could improve this amazing build! (not that there much room for improvement!!)

I think you might be on to something :) I had thought about a slim odd but if I put it under the mobo there is no room for the hdd . Then I realised there is room to mount the hdd on the side of the case internal .

Loving this thread btw great work.

I have a similar blu ray drive in an external caddy.
Why not make a matching external caddy for a slim optical drive?

I really like this idea .... sort of a stacking set of itx cases :D Now how to power the external drive ?
lets keep all buying talk down please.

the project is superb.
if the OP decides to sell these via the forums, he must do so via the members market.

in order to keep our forums safe for trading and protect our members, I ask please to keep the talk of buying anything in the MM.

any further suggestions will be removed.

to the OP, Great looking project. very imaginative. If you decide to sell these via the forums, then doing so via the members market would be fine.

any cases sold via the mm must be made before listing and not made to order.

I am getting clarification on this now

Thanks rjkoneill for a very reasonable approach to this :)

Although I didn't start out with the idea of selling them and I've been careful not to say it out right it's pretty obvious where this is going.

All I need to do now is double my post count in the next couple of months :)
Also interested in buying one. How long do you think one would take to make once you have it all down?

TBH it all comes down to the cost of the laser cutting . I need to make the cover and then I can send a set of drawings off for pricing . Sort of aiming for early next year :)

The case looks so sleek and stylish,Can't wait to see this finished keep up the great work!

Thanks Tokin :)
Well with my caddy it uses 2 USB: 1 for power and 1 for Data.
A quick google for USB 2.0 Laptop CD ROM DVD RW Drive External Caddy Case comes up with what is used, ive seen the adapters about but not sure if they come with the cables needed.

Hope it helps and keep it the work it really is good stuff.

Thanks Barrybear I definitely going to look into this :D
Well I've been working on the cover today . I've got the main part of it sorted out .


I can get a fit that I'm happy with cutting it on the table saw . I'm hopeful that it will be ok with the laser cut ones as it needs to be pretty accurate to get a good fit .

Just the ventilation to work out now and I can send drawings of to the laser cutters :)
Little mini update . I've got my first set of parts back from the laser cutters . I'm very pleased with them :D Unfortunately I'm not going to have time to much with them for a bit but it's one step closer ;)

Front and back .


Base .


Cover .

Top Bottom