Projekt Kraken

18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots

The first part of my "new" build arrived today so I thought I would build up to the build log with a blow by blow account of purchased items as it's not all set in stone, probably boring for most! Will probably be doing the actual build around the beginning of August.

This will be my first watercooled build, I'm moving everything from my old case to the new case. Though I have got rid of my WF3 7970 and bought a reference 290 so I can easily fit a waterblock.

The kraken was a monster from the deep.

I currently have a blue motherboard, blue led ram and blue leds bathing my case in a blue light (current rig here). Theoretically giving that underwater feeling. I'll move all of this over to the new case which will be a Corsair Air 540, I like the clean look of the front portion of the case, nothing else looks as ready for a nice clean build to me.

I'll be using green UV liquid for watercooling and green fans to cool the rads and eventually the case. Feels like it will look like tentacles and fins of a monster from the deep :D Oh and green alchemy PSU cables should complete the look.

I haven't got a pre-filled basket to show the full setup as I'm trying to cut down on price by going through the MM when I can. That said I'm pretty set on the layout below:


The res/pump will probably actually go on top of the PSU but I might also go for a res in the front of the case at the back. At the very least the pump will be around the back I think.

I decided to exhaust out of the font as it will display a nice bank of fans and so far as I can tell won't make much difference to temps with fans bringing in air constantly, and it means that I'm not intaking bunch of hot air across the motherboard and other components.

Mayhems UV fluid will be my liquid of choice and I am thinking of going with Nanoxia fans as they fit well with the theme, though I have also consider green wing boost 2 fans.

Any suggestions or advice is welcome :)

Without further adieu the first component to arrive is the 290 backplate from coldzero, thankfully I got my order in just before they shut down the website to generate new stock :D


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You'll be fine either way.
You'll just have to buy more filters if you stick to the current plan and you may get more dust in the lower section due to it getting sucked in through the pci slots :)
Thanks, I'll be buying more filters and possibly tights!

I'll probably end up trying it both ways, will see how it looks before I set it all in motion.
Coldzero back plates look great I am getting some bits from them soon for my 900d
Can't wait to see your build come together

I would go for front fans as intakes and rear as a intake top fans exhaust
Just a quick update, got some velcro strips so I can hopefully make the top filter mesh easy to attach/move/clean. Got a bunch of stuff coming this next week including... Drumrolll...

The great guys at Nanoxia have sent me some fans to use in my build. So they get a mention up above, I'll get images of them up as soon as I receive them.

The more stuff I get the more I want to just get on with this but I've got so much on this next few weeks I won't have the time to do it yet! :o
Great start buddy, I look forward to seeing the build progress as you get more and more parts together. I'm gonna have to get in the MM are there appears to be some cracking bargains to be had. I think once I go gain access I'll look into watercooling my system :)
What are your plans for making it look more underwatery (is that even a word lol). Maybe you could add some sort of acrylic circles so they look like bubbles. Just an idea. but I like the sounds of this build very much.
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More stuff!



Got a nice little stash going on!


Probably won't be using the wing boosts as I'll be getting the fans from Nanoxia, but I was thinking of doing some push/pull possibly.
Picked up some things today:

First off the fans from Nanoxia, thanks again to those guys for supplying them :D


And secondly a PWM -> Analog signal converter from Tealc which will make it a lot easier for me to get all of these fans connected to my board!

Photo updates, whoop whoop. Cracking list of new parts mate, that Rad look lovely, and should look awesome with those fans fitted. I've not seen that fan converter before, that's possibly the smallest one I've ever seen, and should be very easy to hide away :)
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