Let's just ditch gendered pronouns.
English used to have grammatical gender but we ditched that.
Its quite useful. If someone says "go and talk to Sam in accounts, shes on the 1st floor" you know that Sam is a woman. Assigning gender to objects isn't useful, assigning them to people is.
It's like LARP has entered real life.
It's ridiculous that they want to push this stuff for "freedom" reasons, yet want to remove everyone else's right to say lol nope.
This is how these people work and the genuinely don't see any contradiction in this because "they are right" and that absolves you of the requirements to not be a hypocritical *******. They see no issue with wishing people dead for playing a video game linked to an author they don't like.
The most ridiculous argument is the current "actions have consequences" and the strange idea that when someone is "cancelled" its not because of massive pressure or fear of huge backlash, its simply because a business has "done the right thing". Its ********. Companies are about as amoral as they come and couldn't care less about your politics. They care about them as much as it might negatively affect their business.
Freedom of speech is the right to say (within fairly lax boundaries) what you like. If I don't like what someone says I can talk to them, ignore them or not associate with them. I wouldn't in a million years think to try and ruin their life or their company or hurt their family.
There just doesn't seem to be much kindness from far too many people at the extreme ends of any spectrum, left or right and yet people laud the extreme left for some reason. Both ends are nasty, hateful and full of people who are consumed by ridiculous issues and ideas.
Personally I think there are some people who are genuinely in the wrong bodies and I think there are a lot of people who just love the attention, love the fight and it makes them feel special. I have no issue with trans people but I think that it is going to be a never ending battle for too many of them because it will never be enough. If someone looks at them funny, doesn't look them dead in the eyes and say "trans women are the same as biological women" then there will be problems.