i take it your a doctor in broscience?
creatine occurs naturally in meat and your body produces it naturally and no product has tons of creatine in it, protein for example usually has zero creatine in it unless its an all in one product which are guff.
also protein cannot damage your liver/kidneys unless you already have an underlying problem, in which case it's not really the proteins fault.
this nutritionist does not have a clue what they are talking about, creatine increases the water load in the muscle fascia, increasing the size of your muscle, making the muscle stronger and therefore you can train it harder so it gets bigger.
when you stop taking creatine yes the water will leave but your muscles will be bigger.
if you want more info check out the supplements thread or gym rats thread in sports arena.
also maximuscle is fail, nobody should be going near the stuff.
Oh look, an article that totally disagree with what you said:-
Many many people have reported elevated liver enzymes with taking excess creatine, and lots of these people have been fortunate to catch things in time.
But hey, what does a qualified nutritionist know who was talking to me in hospital about this exact subject.
They even printed off the ingredients sheet of the supplement that I wanted to use to put on weight (actual wieght, medically) not some ****crap body building.
Both nutritionists said that the creatine levels were high, and they wouldnt advise anyone to be taking in 10g+ of Monohydrate a day.
I must admit, I dont care whether you believe what I say or not, but, I do take the advice of the people in the know onboard, and as such, I shall stay off the high dose stuff.
Its half fake anyway, the initial phase is just water retention, takes a lot longer for ANY actual muscle building effect to be evidenced.
I have just seen... you said PROTEIN and liver, I wasnt talking about protein at all... JUST Creatine, unless you meant creatine too?
Arrgh, confused...
Nothing too wrong with protein, its the creatine I have issue with, especially with so many poorly educated people shoving this stuff down their gullets without any real thought to how it may effect them.
Still, anyone who pays £31 per KG for that rubbish probably will ultimately fail and meet darwinism head on sooner or later. lol.