Protein shake / diet advice

Seriously you all dont have a clue or you dont understand my post!!!!

Protein is a food - the more food you eat over that you need to is converted to fat. If you eat loads of protein it WILL turn to fat unless you work out like mad. Protein alone will not give you extra muscle.

I think you need to look up A level human biology 101 my man. Sure protein contains calories that can be stored as fats but your talking as if fat is synthesized DIRECTLY from calories/energy regaurdless of food? It's not. The fatty acid molecule requires specific molecules to be synthesized. Protein contains very few of these. But there are so many reasons why your thinking here is too simplistic, its nice to imagine that the body is a colories in vs calories out machine but sadly its not. Different foods affect various internal mechanisms that alter the way our body handles calories.

Taking in refined sugars for example boosts blood sugar, in turn stimulating insulin release to control appetite by normalizing blood sugar and storing glycogen in the liver. Repeated insulin release regularly over time will decrease the bodies sensitivity to insulin requiring more calories to be ingested in carbohydrate form to get the same insulin release this creates excessive appetites and excessive storage of carbohydrates as fats. One way to control insulin sensitivity is to avoid low glycemic foods and take a lot of essential fatty acids. This will increase calories metabolised for energy and decrease stored fats.

The above is not intended to counter any of your arguments per sey but it is intended to highlight the complexity of some of the metabolic processes that control whether or not calories are stored as body fat. Someone for example with a very well controlled diet could be very insulin sensitive. This person could ingest 20-30% more (non carb) calories than someone with low insulin sensitivity and not gain bodyfat.
Seriously you all dont have a clue or you dont understand my post!!!!

I assume you're thinking in terms of a poorly balanced nutrition plan as opposed to 'too much protein'. Protein is converted to fat yes, but it has the same kcal per gram as carbohydrates (4kcal per gram) and has comparibly less than fat (11kcal per gram). It also is responsible for a mammoth array of processes in the body, as the majority of the enzymes used in digestion are synethised from protein, and likewise foir many metabolic reactions.

The reason people questioned your advice is simple. Your first post was entirely innapropriate for someone who's lifting weights. Cardio is not vital for muscular hypertrophy through resistance, and is detrimental if carried out in the same session, as hight intensity cardio, just like resistance training, is anaerobic and thus innefficient in its use of glycogen. This means quickly fatiguing and being unable to perform the entire session properly.

Cardio is vital for a myriad of reasons, and I always encorporate cardio into a weekly routine, but it won't build muscle like a properly balanced resistance routine, nowhere near it.

You are right in that protein is not directly responsible for the synethesis of new muscle tissue. However, muscle structure is that of interlacing myosin and actin filaments. And without the required maintenance quantities of protein, which is much higher in individuals that train, muscle growth will be arduous to non existant.

I think what you're getting at is that protein isn't the be all and end all of the gains you want. Which is true. A balanced diet with an effective regime is. But to achieve gains an anabolic envireoment is needed, which means a calorie excess. I'll assume you understand the basic bodybuilding principles of the bulk and the cut.

Shakes are for convenience and cost-effectiveness. Nothing more. Everything you need can be obtained from a good diet.

To the OP: As a starter I'd suggest getting some protein in at the morning meal. Add sardines to the toast, or poached egg. Sorry, but I don't take any of this 'I don't have time' pap from anyone, so I shan't with you :) Get up ten minutes earlier. Simple. That's all it takes to mash a tin of sardines onto toast, or poach two eggs in some boiling water. Scrambled egg can be microwaved very quickly too.

The reason you are starving by lunchtime is you aren't fueling after your morning meal. I suggest trying something like 5 oatcakes with cottage cheese.
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