PS3 death

Just need the ps3 on for 5 minutes to transfer the game saves onto a usb stick so will try the hairdryer treatment. Should be fine at HMV i reckon. Warranty seal is intact havent opened it or anything (apparently hmv will buy even YLOD ps3 consoles as long as the seal is intact).

can you put save game files onto usb sticks?
Depends if the saves are protected or not, some are, most aren't.
It's also worth noting that if you do get into this situation, after you've copied over your saves, it's a good idea to 'deactivate' the PS3.
This removes the permissions for your PSN content on that unit, which you can allocate to your new one. This is especally important if you share your PSN games with friends.
where did you get your engineers report from and how much? is the report pretty comprehensive?

Banchory Pcs is a pc and console repair place near me did a report for me. Basically lists what action they did (ie dissassemble ps3 mobo etc) and then stated the reason why it happened.

can you put save game files onto usb sticks?

yes as long as they arent protected e.g. cant do it for Assassins Creed 2

Get your backup done sooner rather than later ;)

9 gig to backup :/ apparently

Have to wait a week or so until i receive my proof of purchase from my bank of the PS3 before i send off my letter to HMV.... :/

Technically i should just go into HMV and get them to check their receipts (i know the date i bought the ps3) as according to SOGA as long as some kind of proof of purchase is available either from retailer or consumer it dont matter.

hi guys - dilemma what should i do guys?

Basically i sent off the letter to hmv with proof of purchase and engineers report saying it was borked etc.

I had paid for a repair (£60) from a company in aberdeen but they said the fault would happen again in around 2 months as its a defect of the ps3.

ANYWAY! today HMV phone me up and say they are willing to give me a replacement ps3 (40 gig model not slim model fair nuff) but not willing to re-imburse me the £60 i paid to get it fixed.

They are phoning me back late this afternoon to confirm !! Should i insist on getting the £60 reimbursed as well? Or just count my lucking stars im getting a replacement ps3?

I asked what they would do with my old ps3 and she said it would go back to sony.

What to do?
***another update***

HMV phone me back to say they didnt have any of the 40gig so they'll give me a 120 gig slim model. Dunno if its refurbished or not probably.

Good deal?
Just take the replacement. The 40gb version was cheaper then the 120gb version anyway. So you're not losing much money.

Lol, I bought my 80GB and paid like 400 pounds for it in August, 2 weeks later the 120gb comes out at 299. I was ****ed.

Lucky git
ANYWAY! today HMV phone me up and say they are willing to give me a replacement ps3 (40 gig model not slim model fair nuff) but not willing to re-imburse me the £60 i paid to get it fixed.

The link in the thread shows that HMV have re-imbursed others for expenses occurred obtaining the engineers report, although in that case it was only £30.

Either way it's a good result. :)
The link in the thread shows that HMV have re-imbursed others for expenses occurred obtaining the engineers report, although in that case it was only £30.

Either way it's a good result. :)

You're right under the soga they are obliged to do either repair, partial refund or replacement. They are doing replacement but not refunding my costs incurred... i'll see if they meet me halfway (£30)
so i finally got round to sorting this all out and end result is: HMV have agreed to pay for my repair after showing them an engineers report which shows the fault in the ps3 is an inherent one (YLOD). Also after complaining to sony as well they have extended my refurbed ps3 warranty from 3 months to 12 months.

they will be sending my a cheque for all costs involved with the report and the repair, so i think i got a pretty good result in the end :)
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