PS3's wi-fi connection ???

downloading the F1 demo now and its going pretty slow.

nokkon, are you currently wireless then? at 55%? (ps, i see you got my FR :))

ps: Question, can you play games while you are downloading something?
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tomanders91 said:
nokkon, are you currently wireless then? at 55%? (ps, i see you got my FR :))
Yes, everything in my house is connected wirelessly and everything has about the same rating, around middle.
Xbox360 is 3/5 bars,
PC is 2/5 bars,
Playstation3 is 55%.
Dunno about my Wii, will check later tonight as I think I'm gonna try playing Resident Evil 4.

But yeah, my 55% rating is due to the abortion that is BT Total Broadbands pathetic excuse of a wireless router.
NokkonWud said:
Yes, everything in my house is connected wirelessly and everything has about the same rating, around middle.
Xbox360 is 3/5 bars,
PC is 2/5 bars,
Playstation3 is 55%.
Dunno about my Wii, will check later tonight as I think I'm gonna try playing Resident Evil 4.

But yeah, my 55% rating is due to the abortion that is BT Total Broadbands pathetic excuse of a wireless router.

but it still works ok? mine seems to range from 55% to 77%
Dont know what I was bothered about. It was easy. No probs at all :D .
100% signal, but it does only sit about 4 feet away from the router.
Cheers All
I know a lot of people have been complaining about slow speeds, but I find PSN and updates to download pretty quickly. Resistance update took 4 minutes to download.

My connection is upto 8mb ADSL.
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