Pugs New Cinema Build (Double Garage Conversion)

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Great job, sir! Looks comfy-cosy :)

:mad: That saying is reserved for pain in the arse managers who like to throw around buzzwords/phases.
hahaha yeah can't believe I typed it, I've got my work PC right next to this PC and I was flicking between the two... I moan at the misses for saying crap like that, I do appologise for talking **** rofl
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
That looks decent, well done. Shame about the Christmas tree chucked in the way :D but otherwise looks great!

I assume the centre speaker is coming up off the floor?

Also, how much will it cost for someone to come in and calibrate everything? I'm not convinced it's worth it unless it's super-cheap - it's quite fun to do yourself and it's money you can put towards upgrades :)

Yeah still plenty to do to finish it all off, hence why I've not posted much pictures until there is pretty much everything done...

As for the calibration, I got my living room TV, Projector and the Cinema Sound calibrated last Friday and the sound is now biblical... no way could I have go that and the Audessy auto software isn't a patch on what this guy has done, best money I've spent. We had to adjust the panel alignment on the PJ as well as it was slightly out so that's made everything crisp up and the picture is deffo cleaner now... especially the TV upstairs... both of them had too much blue in the picture and that's all gone now. I've calibrated stuff myself, but you can't whack a pro so for me, it's the difference especially in the sound of night and day. He was here from 11am to 8pm last Friday, that's a lot of time and effort to get everything sounding and lookin it's best so for me, you can spend £10k on a sound system and if it's not setup properly it'll be blown away by something for a 1/3rd of the price... but that's always been the case. For me, best money I've spent upto now...

Sorry the centre speaking will be risen, but it's been compensated for within the Denon software and was told how to amend if I lift it up. I may just once the carpet is on the stage tilt it up slightly and keep on that stage as that's been filled with insulation and will be a nice space for it, not sure yet. Sure there's loads I'll alter over time...
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22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
I'm glad you're happy with the calibration! But I'm not sure how you can compensate for the speaker not being at the optimum position, other than by turning the level up. If it's not at ear level you're not getting the best out of it. Put it on a stand or wall bracket just below the screen.
pThe reason it is at that level is because originally the screen was going to sit 12 inches lower than it now sits with the speaker literally right under the screen. However, because the of way it all worked out and the lens shift needed I had to raise thr screen which created the gap. I always was going to put it on a stand or braket, but as I haven't finished yet or decided what to do with the wiring as the wiring is not in the wrong position and I don['t want wires showing when finished, I need to think before I act really, as made two errors during the build, this being one of them. Pain in the arse really and if I'd wanted absolute perfection I'd be putting the speaker behind the screen in AT materiel screens, but where does it all end. I'll be thinking once I've finished work (as in thwe work that pays for this crap hahaha) over Xmas how and what I need to tweak and this will be one of those things. I'll also be upgrading the sub next year to probably two Monolith Subs as well, so will see how it all pans out. It's all cost me more than I wanted to spend, coming in around £12.5k now... when the original target was £10k but it is what it is...
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Life is way too short to be worrying about things like that! What you'll get out of it will be well worth every single penny. Doing a brilliant job!
Yeah now it's spent I don't think about it, can't live life worrying about things like that and as you say the enjoyment the whole thing is now starting to bring to the family certainly outweighs. Cheers for the comments, it's been tough work, weirdly it's tougher finishing the bits and bobs now and been let down by a supplier which was going to be my centre piece for the stairs and not going to get my "7ft Alien" which was going to be the big surprise, gutted but once again, it is what it is... sure something else will become available.
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Finally looks like the remaning carpet will be here this week... disgraceful tbh, however it is what it is, so once that's finally in and I have some nice updated piccies will post some updates. It's changed quite a bit now...
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
No home cinema is ever 'finished', sometimes any upgrades and modifications do get put on indefinite hold though :)
That is very true and it'll be the same here, always tweaking, however I wanna be at a point that I have my pictures up and everything is done... then you spend the rest of your life messing hahaha sooooo being messed about by the carpet people now, once this is in theyr'e gonna get slaughtered on trustedreviews lol
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Ok guys, sorry for not posting anything but been so busy and things just get in the way and plus I've had to waitin since 29th November until today... ytes today for the rest of the carpet to be delivered and fitted... which was for the front stage and also the stairs... however, here are the latest updates:

  • Painted as much as I can reach of the hallway/staircase, really difficult and need to do the top by the James Bond pictures lol.
  • Fitted the wall bannister and finished skirting.
  • hung some piccies and stuff and got my Alien picture now bursting out of an "air vent" lol
  • Also, painted the iside of the sliding doors matt black now, just need to build a pelmet to cover the mechanism.
  • Also, while doing the doors we realised that they were 3 inches away from the wall leaving a massive sound and air gap which looks crap, so as you can see I used the fuzzy brush solution which normally would be attached to say bottom of garage doors... well hey they can be used inside as well and they work absolutely perfectly.








22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Looking good and motion lights sounds very fun.
How was sound calibrated beyond what the AVR can do normally?
Hi Matey, rather than me explain, this is the guy that did mine.


I'd already used the Audyssey setup on mine, but it 100% sounds better now he's calibrated seperatly. I wasn't in the room when he did the sound only the picture but the difference when I went back in was like night and day so for me, haven't a clue what he did or whatever, but deffo worth the money. I do know that the EQ settings as altered as well for movie sources and for the music sources differently as well.

Same, I'm moving to a house with a double garage and as lovely as this conversion is, I could never bring myself to do it. One space for a car and one space for a home gym for me.
Hahaha, well the way I'd built my driveway now, couldn't get a car in there anyway and this is now not a dumping ground for every piece of junk in the house. if you use a garage as a garage, it's ace, but when you don't it becomes a tip ;-0 hahaha... I'd never go back now :)
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Hi All, so been a little idle on this one for some time, however, done a few tweaks etc and upgrades (got rid of the crap Sony X800 which constantly froze and replaced with a Panasonic 820 which is superb)... so here's a few pictures of latest bits and bobs...need to get this damn thing finished... hahaha, so at the minute:

  1. Measure the window sills and the Terminator Arm sill and get some black marble ledges made up and installed.
  2. Got to finish off this boiler cupboard which still isn't done.
  3. Get the Pelmet on top of the sliding doors built and painted etc.
  4. Build the Alien Display
  5. Paint the staircase side of the cinema doors white, still nto painted yet.
  6. Finish the James Bond shelf both painting and get more signed photos.


22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Quick update as I've been quiet this year. So, one of the interesting things I've noticed is how much better the ceiling speakers react and the rear surrounds if I force DTS-NeuralX instead of Atmos... John Wick was a perfect example when he's in the cemetary and it's raining. So, that's an Atmos soundtrack... but when I switch to DTS, you get more rain in the heights and rears without any other problems elsewhere in the sound stage. Noticed this quite a bit on films now where Atmos just isn't DOING ENOUGH...

Anyone else noticed this if they have Denon just how good the DTS-NeuralX is even with standard soundtracks that don't contain Atmos info?
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Glad it's just not me. Yep, DTS just sounds better... like a more complete sound. However, anyone who's running atmos setups, trust me, do the pepsi challenge, spin up John Wick, and listen out your rear and height speakers and swicth between atmos and DTS-NeuralX and it's incredible the difference, really surprised so I know which amp options I'll be using form now on!!!
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Well long time since I've posted and done a few things... but this was added at the weekend... will post a few new piccies with a few bits and bobs I've done!

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22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Just had a look at this and it would appear all the ceiling speakers are being fed the same signal, so fine for the rain scene in John Wick but it looks like you will lose direction effects, like a helicopter moving around above your head. Do the same Pepsi challenge with an Atmos demo like Dolby leaf and see what the difference is like.
Soz for late reply didn't see this on alerts. Yeah, so, my belief (and the sound seems to also say) that the Neural X "creates" the surround from the information that it gets... i.e. it's perfect for creating additional ceiling sounds from a standard non atmos/DTSX soundtrack... however as far as I'm aware this isn't a duplicated sound. So, I did the leaf test and it moves around as expected but on DTS Neu it seems to be emphercised more than with just standard atmos.

However!!! That's not to say that it's not as accurate and I agree it might not be as you're "messing" and creating signals BUT for some reason it just sounds better especially on some weaker Atmos soundtracks... you just get more going on. BUT from what I can hear, I'm not getting the same sound out of each ceiling speaker? Its a tough one this as I don't like messing with the original signals, but some Atmos soundtracks are just weak (BUT some are great!). The soundtrack on DTS:X Godzilla vs Kong... that's demo worthy as is the picture. Jumanji, once again outstanding with positional sounds are just stunning... but then you put some on and it's really weak and DTS:Neu seems to just up the anti a little!

Will do more investigation this week!!! Cheers for pointing out though as it's worth getting peoples views etc as I could be short changing myself!
22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Yes, looks like you're right - one of those things, I should have read a bit more before posting although there is not much info out there about it. I have the Yamaha RX-A3050 which is getting on a bit now, so I can't test it myself as it doesn't have the Neural X processing.

Try the Dolby Atmos demos such as the leaf one and see what you think - obviously go with what you think sounds best.

Great setup by the way :)
Cheers man. Yeah, I've spent a couple of hours this week just messing around... tried a few atmos demos... adn the demo's sound great in Atmos... as they seem to emphercise the tops more than some films do... but I have to admit, watched a couple where there is serious movement to see how the DTS Neuo works and it does shift the sound around really well... like I said before it's a really tough one this as I prefer to keep with the original sound and keep processing down to a minimum. But just on some tracks the Atmos track is light... and with Neural X turned on the amp seems to be doing a better job of throwing the sound around so it's more pronounced! It's a bit like standard DTS soundtracks always sounding better to normal TRUEHD to me... gonna have to rea dup more on this... but right now, Atmos can be disappointing on some of the sound tracks compared to upscaling it... using DTS Neural
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