Not just breaking down but classed more as a muscle that is going to take a heavy part of the load regardless of the style?

Not sure what you mean across both videos man?

Yeah, I didn't actually watch the video, jumped straight to section of "muscles worked".

And if I did, I didn't mean to but am sure I haven't as I know fitness is forever expending and you can learn from a lot of different people.

I would never break it down to just glutes purely because they go through the greatest range of motion. Massive "work" is done in static contraction in the torso, and hamstrings and quads are hardly only dynamic stabilisers here.

Your technical faults were the same across both videos.

Yes, the weight was far too heavy for both movements, but that doesn't make it ok. The fact that you were allowing reps like that means your form will probably vary a lot in every session. In all reps, form shouldn't really be varying by more than about 5%.

I only said that you might have, if you haven't then fair enough.

Ah, I thought it was the guy from your article. Regardless, it was bad! :D
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