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Q6600 Go vs Q9550 or x3360

I went from a Q6600 at 3.5 to a Q9550 which is currently at 3.6 but I have had it over 4GHz but havent had time to get it stable yet. Sold the Q6600 for £80 and bought the Q9550 for £120 a couple months ago cos I wanted a new toy to play with and i wanted to hit 4GHz. Don't currently notice any difference in use of Q9550 except it runs cooler which means my fans are quieter.

Q6600 B3 -> Q6600 G0 if u can do it sub £10 or
Q6600 B3 -> Q9550 if u want something to play with that is more likely to reach 4GHz and runs cooler, uses less power. But that would probably cost u £50.
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I went from a Q6600 at 3.5 to a Q9550 which is currently at 3.6 but I have had it over 4GHz but havent had time to get it stable yet. Sold the Q6600 for £80 and bought the Q9550 for £120 a couple months ago cos I wanted a new toy to play with and i wanted to hit 4GHz. Don't currently notice any difference in use of Q9550 except it runs cooler which means my fans are quieter.

Q6600 B3 -> Q6600 G0 if u can do it sub £10 or
Q6600 B3 -> Q9550 if u want something to play with that is more likely to reach 4GHz and runs cooler, uses less power. But that would probably cost u £50.

Based on sense Q6600 G0, based on if I could get £50 for a Q6600 B3 Q9550...
I love my Q9550(which I got off a member here) it goes to 3.6ghz on my old P35 DS4 easy.
If I had some 1066+ ram it would go to 4.0 and the temps are lower then a Q6600.

Get the Q9550 if I was you.
I love my Q9550(which I got off a member here) it goes to 3.6ghz on my old P35 DS4 easy.
If I had some 1066+ ram it would go to 4.0 and the temps are lower then a Q6600.

Get the Q9550 if I was you.

That's a good point regarding the RAM, if u have PC6400 (800MHz) u'll find it difficult to get past 3.6GHz anyway so unless you want to upgrade that too the Q9550 would be fairly pointless. U'd probably get £65-75 for a B3...
I would like to ask whether is it worth it to upgrade my CPU (currently I have a E6600) to the Q9550 or some thing similar or else switch to a Core i5 or i7 meaning i have to upgrade my mobo and RAM too; performace wise. thanks
I have an Asus Striker II Formula motherboard with a E8400 E0 which at some point was perfectly stable at 4.13 GHZ and also very low temps/volts on air cooling. Now however, I cant seem to overclock it at all above stock speeds, is this caused by CPU degradation or vdroop (loadline claibration) settings?
I'd say stick Q6600 G0 and then save up for i3,i5, or i7 longer term.

I doubt you'll notice that much difference between Q6600 and Q9550, so I'd recommend save the money for the next upgrade.

well i overclocked it to 3.2GHz, and my mobo is a BFG 680i SLI, memory 4GB 800MHz Corsair cheap need to upgrade them too

Quick look indicates that you can update BIOS (if not already) and will be able to use a Q6600 or any other quad core (775) (Update)

Depending on what games you play, you may see an improvement by replacing the processor, also encoding movies etc will be quicker.

I imagine selling your processor and buying a Q6600 would only cost you about £30 to £40 and it would be a fair improvement until the pricing falls on the i5/i7 range, but like you mentioned its going to mean a new board and DDR3 memory.
Awesome news, good luck clocking and let us know how it goes ;)

Yup will do :)

Just need to get a Corsair 700D after my wedding in August :)

Will be running it with a
Asus P5Q Pro
Corsair XMS PC6400 RAM - would like to get some PC8500
ATi 5870 gfx card

Any starting point tips? It'll be cooled by a Noctua (not the current one).

Still mulling the Corsair H50
Unless your current ram is good at overclocking it will hold you back until you replace it. Unfortunately a good 4GB PC2-8500 kit is double what it was a year ago. Here arer some settings for 3.6Ghz although it requires a fsb of 424mhz so it's up to your ram if it wants to play ball. I believe the bios of our boards are very similar.

8.5x424 (3600mhz)
Vcore 1.226v
Dram voltage - whatever your's requires
CPU GTL Ref left to auto
CPU PLL - minimum
FSB Term - Minimum
NB Voltage - Minimum
SB Voltage - Minimum
PCI-e Sata voltage - Minimum
Both spread spectrums disabled.

Everything else left to auto apart from the 4 main ram timings. It may be different with your's as mine is a good clocker with low volts. Take the voltages off Auto and set them to the minimum as Asus boards tend to overvolt on Auto.

I have seen that :(

Got 2 x 2gb at the mo and will ty and sell that. Can get 1gb sticks at ok price for pc8500, but would rather 2 x 2gb

Cheers for the settings. Need to get things out of my antec 300 as got 5 drives etc so it's a bit warm :(
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