Mopeds the CC of a bike your only determining criteria for respecting a biker or does it come down to a combination of them somehow not looking like a nob to you, what the bike may be or what gear they have on - seriously, I'm curious?
Regarding quads - I've seen a few guys on them with back protectors but no helmets on the road lol. Yup, seems like they're for stupid people.
I said the cc doesn't matter, I mid to bikes

mopeds just doesn't really clock, although I do nod to one guy I see sometimes in Manchester cause he leans his little ped so far over I'm truly amazed he doesn't slide off it, respect to that
as for pads being the most ideal for commuting in a city id say a decent 125 beats them hands down, more agile, higher up for better visibility over cars and much thinner for filtering.
seen lads on CBR 125 or r125s fly through heavy traffic as if it wasn't even there, completely suicidal mind given the amount of car drivers who change lanes without looking, indicating or making any warning.
yesterday in the absolute ****ing rain had some woman decide a cars length line at the traffic lights that she didn't want to be in the left turn lane and instead if sucking up the mistake and just going with it swerve violently across into the straight ahead lane with such a short space she eneded up having to stop in the cycle box and even then wasn't straight.
I proper **** myself and am so glad that the front tyre didn't skid in the wet.
the whole way through she had her head looking left talking to her passenger
As diverse180 said, I've seen a few riders, admittedly younger ones, that think that their £5k bike is somehow light years better in some way than my £3.5k scooter. Right on queue one time, some guy on £15k-£20ks worth roars up on the other side and doesn't nod at either of us, to the utter frustration of the lad who's nodding like he's possessed lol.
to be fair a 5k bike if second hand is gonna be a pretty decent 600 sport so probably is considerably better than your scooter in terms of handling, speed and acceleration. you probably got it beat on comfort and storage space though.
guys on big scooters are different to the little ones as they have some sense amount of scooters you see undertaking vehicles indicating left is scary