Quad Bikes R For Stupid People

Y U NO NOD ?!?!?!

pro riders who demand street respect drive one of these
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It's a Piaggio x9 125 evo. It's been fine for London these last three and a half years - zippy enough most of the time, comfy, good storage space etc, but I'll likely be on the look for something with a bit more go in it soon. A trip has been planned around Dorset and Devon a little later in the year with some bike and scoot friends, who all have bigger bikes and scooters. I hold a full bike license so I might look at the X10 350 and 500 as reviews are favourable.
It's a Piaggio x9 125 evo. It's been fine for London these last three and a half years - zippy enough most of the time, comfy, good storage space etc, but I'll likely be on the look for something with a bit more go in it soon. A trip has been planned around Dorset and Devon a little later in the year with some bike and scoot friends, who all have bigger bikes and scooters. I hold a full bike license so I might look at the X10 350 and 500 as reviews are favourable.

how do you find riding a ped? what exactly do you grip when you lean over given there's nothing between your legs?
how do you find riding a ped? what exactly do you grip when you lean over given there's nothing between your legs?

You're just pushed down into the seat more on a turn, as you can't go mad on these things due to the smaller wheels - you'd low side most of them if you did. The bigger scoots such as the X10 I mentioned have bigger wheels, ABS and traction control so there's a marked difference in them these days. They're still not going to blow your socks off top end wise but they're good away from the lights, can get through the traffic like any other bike and can carry a full change of clothes without panniers. For local stuff there's not too much to complain about for me.

X10 review : http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/b...Reviews/Piaggio/Piaggio-X10-350-2012-current/
as for the nodding thing, does any one else give a nod to the 125 riders in a "at least they're trying" way but ignore the moped drivers:o

I ride a 125 currently as my 400 broke and can't be bothered buying a new one, getting a car instead. I think if they don't have the L plate you should nod! ;)
Quads have all of the cons of biking (i.e. getting wet) with none of the pros (i.e. FILTERING!)
Ridiculous when you hear all this noise, and he's just sat in a queue of traffic with all the other cars, while scooters filter past!

I do occasionally throw a scooter a sympathy nod, but not if it's t-shirt and no gloves - that's just foolish.
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