Raineh!!!! Forgot about him. Sharpe used to play on my server too so I think he is still around but could possibly be a different sharpe. Sniper - pretty sure I used to chat to him online and he used to work in one of those big car washing places but that is going back........maybe 12 years?
Easy 12 years. Yeah think he was a valeter for a while not sure what he's upto now tbh. He has got a kid now I have 3 now haha. Time is just flying over
Can you remember a ScBHudson? or am I cracking up? I'm sure it was his brother (other cuz)
I started using BuffetSlayer because my peers named me so. Well actually they named me BBQ Slayer as I demolished the midnight BBQ's at the s@slan. Sparky and smiley had a double decker bus that they converted into a mobile lan venue. It was superb. Used to get loads of CTFS players come - lawkill, spy, nightfly, gorok, fusion, Qaz, Blog, Bronze, Junglist, Lee Jun (legion), Animal, maxjester, and once even Bonfire flew over. There's probably tons more but the names are hazy these days as its been so long. But the midnight BBQ was legendary.
Lawkill (Larry) came up here once quite a few year back for a weekend.
Recognise all the names you listed
Buffetslayer rolled of the tongue a bit better than BBQ Slayer
I have used this name for years now. I miss the TD/ScB days. Had some great times. Always remember poor old cupcake's pc blowing up at Savlan7. Poor guy - his GPU pretty much melted. I was there with rigid and qbix. Had a mash up vs TJD and the A&D lads.
Haha ul