Quake 3 or Quake Live?

Some of the guys from the xs4all server still play under their old alias. There is a server called skunc (or something like that) that they use.

But i have not seen or heard from most of the players I knew back in the ScB days. I think a lot of people moved on to other things.

I know the guys who used my server are still around on QL.

Theres lots of online help for QL in terms of setup. I just dont play it enough to bother. I pretty much use defaults with the odd tweak.

Will give it a blast when i order my gfx card. Currently using on board hd4250 so not up to much!
Will give it a blast when i order my gfx card. Currently using on board hd4250 so not up to much!

Cool - its alright I guess. I never clicked with it though. Weapons always felt underpowered to me.

I played for Short Controlled Bursts a long time ago. And TD - Total Destruction with Dino, Oiley and Qbix. After TD folded I merged into ScB. There was you, Luci, m0yda, Demon, Shaolin and some others I can't quite remember their names off the top of my head.

I was called praetorian or occasionally Raziel. Raziel was my original name from Gifford UK free for all servers but I never used it really for CTFS.
Cool - its alright I guess. I never clicked with it though. Weapons always felt underpowered to me.

I played for Short Controlled Bursts a long time ago. And TD - Total Destruction with Dino, Oiley and Qbix. After TD folded I merged into ScB. There was you, Luci, m0yda, Demon, Shaolin and some others I can't quite remember their names off the top of my head.

I was called praetorian or occasionally Raziel. Raziel was my original name from Gifford UK free for all servers but I never used it really for CTFS.

Will give it a go prob wont like it myself! still have q3 on disc here might just install that and play bots haha.

Didn't realise you were ScBPraetorian, recognised the buffetslayer name tho, Few of the others to refresh your memory Sniper (cousin), Goddam, Rain, SharpE (friend) ....
Raineh!!!! Forgot about him. Sharpe used to play on my server too so I think he is still around but could possibly be a different sharpe. Sniper - pretty sure I used to chat to him online and he used to work in one of those big car washing places but that is going back........maybe 12 years?

I started using BuffetSlayer because my peers named me so. Well actually they named me BBQ Slayer as I demolished the midnight BBQ's at the s@slan. Sparky and smiley had a double decker bus that they converted into a mobile lan venue. It was superb. Used to get loads of CTFS players come - lawkill, spy, nightfly, gorok, fusion, Qaz, Blog, Bronze, Junglist, Lee Jun (legion), Animal, maxjester, and once even Bonfire flew over. There's probably tons more but the names are hazy these days as its been so long. But the midnight BBQ was legendary.

Buffetslayer rolled of the tongue a bit better than BBQ Slayer :p I have used this name for years now. I miss the TD/ScB days. Had some great times. Always remember poor old cupcake's pc blowing up at Savlan7. Poor guy - his GPU pretty much melted. I was there with rigid and qbix. Had a mash up vs TJD and the A&D lads.
Raineh!!!! Forgot about him. Sharpe used to play on my server too so I think he is still around but could possibly be a different sharpe. Sniper - pretty sure I used to chat to him online and he used to work in one of those big car washing places but that is going back........maybe 12 years?

I started using BuffetSlayer because my peers named me so. Well actually they named me BBQ Slayer as I demolished the midnight BBQ's at the s@slan. Sparky and smiley had a double decker bus that they converted into a mobile lan venue. It was superb. Used to get loads of CTFS players come - lawkill, spy, nightfly, gorok, fusion, Qaz, Blog, Bronze, Junglist, Lee Jun (legion), Animal, maxjester, and once even Bonfire flew over. There's probably tons more but the names are hazy these days as its been so long. But the midnight BBQ was legendary.

Buffetslayer rolled of the tongue a bit better than BBQ Slayer :p I have used this name for years now. I miss the TD/ScB days. Had some great times. Always remember poor old cupcake's pc blowing up at Savlan7. Poor guy - his GPU pretty much melted. I was there with rigid and qbix. Had a mash up vs TJD and the A&D lads.

Was Animal the guy that played in n2s for a while? I was quite friendly with him and his brother back in the day.
Raineh!!!! Forgot about him. Sharpe used to play on my server too so I think he is still around but could possibly be a different sharpe. Sniper - pretty sure I used to chat to him online and he used to work in one of those big car washing places but that is going back........maybe 12 years?

Easy 12 years. Yeah think he was a valeter for a while not sure what he's upto now tbh. He has got a kid now I have 3 now haha. Time is just flying over :(

Can you remember a ScBHudson? or am I cracking up? I'm sure it was his brother (other cuz)

I started using BuffetSlayer because my peers named me so. Well actually they named me BBQ Slayer as I demolished the midnight BBQ's at the s@slan. Sparky and smiley had a double decker bus that they converted into a mobile lan venue. It was superb. Used to get loads of CTFS players come - lawkill, spy, nightfly, gorok, fusion, Qaz, Blog, Bronze, Junglist, Lee Jun (legion), Animal, maxjester, and once even Bonfire flew over. There's probably tons more but the names are hazy these days as its been so long. But the midnight BBQ was legendary.

Lawkill (Larry) came up here once quite a few year back for a weekend.
Recognise all the names you listed

Buffetslayer rolled of the tongue a bit better than BBQ Slayer :p I have used this name for years now. I miss the TD/ScB days. Had some great times. Always remember poor old cupcake's pc blowing up at Savlan7. Poor guy - his GPU pretty much melted. I was there with rigid and qbix. Had a mash up vs TJD and the A&D lads.

Haha ul :)
Hudson!! I knew there was another player who had a name beginning with H. Yes there was definitely a Hudson.

I still keep in touch with LK. He lives abroad now - I want to say Finland but im not 100%. Have him on facebook and Steam.

I also have Sir Oden on facebook too as well as Squish, PP1, Sharky, SisFis, FiveCheebs, Nab, Ichi, Wolverine, Kendo and probably a couple of others. T Boner still plays on QL and he hasnt got any better! :p
Quake 3, was amazing back in its day. The game engine, gameplay, everything, was phenomenal. Quake 3: Team Arena was pretty good also. I have felt ever since Quake 3, that ID Software have never been able top it. Quake 4 was an abomination, and some of their decisions have been terrible. Why we don't have a Quake game with the Doom (ID Tech 6) engine, I seriously don't know... Instead we have Quake Champions, which isn't as terrible as Quake 4, but could be so much better. /rant

Quake Live is OK, and probably your only option online these days, but Quake 3 had the superior mp and was fantastic on LAN.
Quake 4 wasn't really an id title (mostly made by Raven) and suffered for that - though it was produced by Tim Willits who is also producing/directing Quake Champions so :s both good games in their own rights but lacking compared to the real Quakes.

I actually really liked RAGE but also felt it was lacking - the megatexture tech was a bit too ahead of its time and suffered due to trying to support systems that couldn't stream at high res from dozens of GB of textures and/or combine that with more advanced shader systems :s and the game was serious cut back from its vision lacking a lot of the side content and expanded mechanics, etc. that were clearly intended.
Quake 4 wasn't really an id title (mostly made by Raven) and suffered for that - though it was produced by Tim Willits who is also producing/directing Quake Champions so :s both good games in their own rights but lacking compared to the real Quakes.

I actually really liked RAGE but also felt it was lacking - the megatexture tech was a bit too ahead of its time and suffered due to trying to support systems that couldn't stream at high res from dozens of GB of textures and/or combine that with more advanced shader systems :s and the game was serious cut back from its vision lacking a lot of the side content and expanded mechanics, etc. that were clearly intended.
I liked rage a lot. I was disappointed the engine didn't lead to another Quake game, but I read it did lay the foundations for the ID Tech 6 engine which they used for Doom , which they decided not to use for Quake Champions. Some really strange decisions. :-/
Quake 3, was amazing back in its day. The game engine, gameplay, everything, was phenomenal. Quake 3: Team Arena was pretty good also. I have felt ever since Quake 3, that ID Software have never been able top it. Quake 4 was an abomination, and some of their decisions have been terrible. Why we don't have a Quake game with the Doom (ID Tech 6) engine, I seriously don't know... Instead we have Quake Champions, which isn't as terrible as Quake 4, but could be so much better. /rant

Quake Live is OK, and probably your only option online these days, but Quake 3 had the superior mp and was fantastic on LAN.

I actually quite liked Q4. You needed a super computer to run it back in the day but it introduced some nice gameplay elements.

Grenades up jump pads, rockets through portals, crouch slide and the return of ramp jumping.

Q4 movement in the hands of a good player was really good. Just watch some of the 1v1 videos. If anything, movement in Q4 was more versatile and harder to master.

QC is an abomination. Lobbies in a quake game? Never thought I would see the day. Shame really as it has so much potential. If they fixed the netcode it wouldnt feel so bad to play - but still lobbies and load screens would be there. Not really sure what Bethesda are thinking but its their game, they can do as they please.
Hello Prae, it's Demon from the ScB days. Saw Havok's username on another thread and replied, and he mentioned you'd posted here so thought I'd reply too. Been a long time, hope you are well and all that. :)
Quake 3, was amazing back in its day. The game engine, gameplay, everything, was phenomenal. Quake 3: Team Arena was pretty good also. I have felt ever since Quake 3, that ID Software have never been able top it. Quake 4 was an abomination, and some of their decisions have been terrible. Why we don't have a Quake game with the Doom (ID Tech 6) engine, I seriously don't know... Instead we have Quake Champions, which isn't as terrible as Quake 4, but could be so much better. /rant

Quake Live is OK, and probably your only option online these days, but Quake 3 had the superior mp and was fantastic on LAN.

Mmm, I quite liked it even though most hated it.

I had mixed feelings about TA - I never felt like it lived upto its potential there was always a feeling like it was supposed to be something more.
I had mixed feelings about TA - I never felt like it lived upto its potential there was always a feeling like it was supposed to be something more.

If anything Team Arena was the start of Champion abilities back then. Guard, Assist, Kamikaze power ups. One Flag is effectively Sacrifice.

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