Quake champions

Got the Trust. Thanks.

I'm not sure the fps indicator in the game is very accurate. I just finally upgraded my GPU after having it sit in a box for a week. I was previously running a 3930k at stock 3.2mhz with an old R9 290. I'd set the resolution down to 1680 x 1080 and all other settings on lowest to get a decent frame rate. I was getting 115 to 117 fps but it was bogging down heavily in firefights even though it still indicated the same fps. I wasn't bothered about how it looks as I used to run Q3 in picmip 9 but I value a smooth framerate. After the GPU upgrade (Vega 64 and overclocked the 3930k to 4.0mhz) on the same video settings I am getting the same 115 to 117 fps. It's strange that the maximum fps hasn't increased but everything is buttery smooth in firefights now. It's so much nicer.

I then changed the video settings to the monitors maximum resolution of 2560 x 1600 and also set all the other settings back up to ultra. It's still very, very smooth in firefights (maybe 95% as good as everything on low) but the fps is 105 to 117. But it's still very smooth and looks great.

The monitor is very old (16:10 aspect ratio) and I'm running with vsync off (no freesync or gsync on something this old).
I will check later. I'm currently out now and my son will probably monopolise the PC tonight for fortnite :)

He occasionally plays QC on my account too. So if you see me doing well in game then it's probably him rather than me :)
I just tried to jump on for a quick game while my son eats dinner... "All servers are full. You're place in line: 85". So this game must be popular now then.
I know this has been on the scene for quite some time but I've just started playing this recently. How amazingly refreshing compared with the current flavours of the month. I appreciate that it isn't quite as "pure" as some hardcore Quake veterans might prefer, and it definitely has its share of problems, but I haven't felt this level of "flow" for a long time.

Does anyone else have a problem with the "starting challenges"? My Match Completed challenge isn't incrementing no matter what I do, it's stuck on 4/7. I'm satisfied playing as Ranger for now so it isn't too much of an issue but it would be nice to progress with them eventually :p
Downloaded and played a few hours of this last night. Very fun game but even at my very low level I found that some people were just un-killable.
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