Quake champions

How is his speed getting into the 600+ range? What am I missing here? His aim is great but his movement is ... just wow.

That was old Slash from last year. Slash is even faster right now with 780? capped and 900ups with ability. Only problem is Slash is so weak with her stack at 150. Where a couple of tanks can be 400hp each when tanked.

The lights health tickrate seems to dissapear faster than others. They cannot engage in battle without getting armour first since they now start with 0. Death Knight's ability can deal 150 damage with one direct strike.
I'd also suggest those who will get into Quake Champions to purchase the Champions pack on Steam. As sometime later this month it'll no longer be for sale. They said they'll put the price up for a while before it is no longer available to purchase. When that date is I don't know but it could be mid or late September.

You'll get access to every new Champion, custom games and announced today... Champions pack owners will get access to Private Test Builds.

New modes are coming as well, Team Instagib, Unholy Trinity, Slipgate and Hot Rockets.
I normally come top quite a lot when I play DM or TDM but I tried duels yesterday and got demolished five times in a row, with two of the games finishing 9-0! It just seemed impossible to kill anyone, even if I was hitting them first.
I've thoroughly enjoyed QC so far. But one thing that is increasingly annoying me is the 'champion' part of it. I rarely use my special ability but in the middle of a firefight someone throws fire all over the floor (for example). I guess I miss the days when Quake deathmatch just meant everyone was evenly matched and the winner was the person with the most skill and knowledge of the map. Now I can be about to kill someone and I get set on fire or a drone comes around the corner and shoots me. Give me a railgun, rocket launcher and a lightning gun and I'm happy. These special abilities are a bit silly.

I have a few hours without the kids today so I'm going to be gaming all of it :)
Yeh i agree Hades, but with new patch there is new mode, that i am going to like, and you will to, Unholy Trinity Holy Trinity weapons only: the Rocket Launcher, Railgun, and Lightning Gun! This is the only mode with abilities disabled. Also, setup custom match and have abilities disabled in any mode/game, i also dont bother using abilities much, would like them out of the whole game myself, or a option on main game to join public servers that are either enabled or not enabled for special abilities.
Yeh i agree Hades, but with new patch there is new mode, that i am going to like, and you will to, Unholy Trinity Holy Trinity weapons only: the Rocket Launcher, Railgun, and Lightning Gun! This is the only mode with abilities disabled. Also, setup custom match and have abilities disabled in any mode/game, i also dont bother using abilities much, would like them out of the whole game myself, or a option on main game to join public servers that are either enabled or not enabled for special abilities.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be all over the Unholy Trinity :)

Nevertheless, it's the only game in years that has made me want to upgrade the PC. I'm still running a non-overclocked 3930k, DDR3, an AMD R290, a broken headset, no free space on the SSD's, an 11 year of monitor (Dell 3007 which was decent in it's day to be fair), a 5 year old keyboard and a very, very, very won Razer Mamba (which is literally falling apart, battery doesn't work, cable is shredded, rubber grip has worn off). I recently bought a new case and a Vega 64 but not used them yet (might put the V64 in later today) which is the first time I've been interested in upgrading it in years.
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I just got a message saying QC is shutting down in a few mins. That will be the new patch then :)

In case anyone happens to be on the same server in future my QC name is HadesUK because Hades was already taken.
I just got a message saying QC is shutting down in a few mins. That will be the new patch then :)

In case anyone happens to be on the same server in future my QC name is HadesUK because Hades was already taken.
Will add you mate, my quake name same as the last 20 years, Daytrader
Ive finally given this a go and it is very enjoyable! It's not like most multiplayer games I play and suck at where I spawn in and get sniped after running forwards for half a minute that's for sure.
I had a few games of Unholy Trinity today. It's great fun. But I understand the mod is only there for a week each month before being rotated out. You get given all of the weapons at the start rather than having to pick one up. Also there tends to be a far higher standard of player on these games. Faced with strong players, all with an immediate full compliment of weapons, it's quite a bit tougher than the regular matches.

But Unholy Trinity on The Longest Yard is so much fun :)

I couldn't find Daytrader on Steam so I'll try to find you in the game settings somewhere.
I had a few games of Unholy Trinity today. It's great fun. But I understand the mod is only there for a week each month before being rotated out. You get given all of the weapons at the start rather than having to pick one up. Also there tends to be a far higher standard of player on these games. Faced with strong players, all with an immediate full compliment of weapons, it's quite a bit tougher than the regular matches.

But Unholy Trinity on The Longest Yard is so much fun :)

I couldn't find Daytrader on Steam so I'll try to find you in the game settings somewhere.
Sent you trust message :)
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