Queen Elizabeth II has passed away - keep posts civil and respectful

Aren't they allowed to wear the uniform given they both served as opposed to honorary titles?

Being stripped of royal titles, fine, but not allowed to wear earned titles?

I'm sure there will be a good reason.
They are allowed to wear their medals but the uniform is for currently serving members of the military and for serving royals, of which they are neither..

They were allowed to wear the uniform during their vigil around the coffin.
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I am really hoping... really, really hoping that Meghan finally gets it now. Her attempt to finish the American Revolution by destroying our Royal Family has not endeared her to me. But there's always hope!

Except when Liz Truss speaks. Then I get gloomy again.

What a load of drivel. Why not take your crap to the Meghan bashing one.
Probably because everywhere is closed. Not much to do for those that aren't fussed. I'm almost out of tea bags and bog roll
I have ran out of sugar, bread, about half a cup of milk left, 1 and half bog roll and a few grams of baccy left. I have 3 kids to feed in the morning before school and get their pack ups done, no way I am draggin all 3 to the local off licence at 5 when it opens, hope the wife gets back from work before the local tesco petrol station closes.
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