Quest 3 owners etc

Two days ago I bought a WiFi 6 router to use as a dedicated pcvr router for my quest 3 to use with virtual desktop.

Image quality wise, it's good. Av1 10 bit looks nice. H264 doesn't look as good as wired link, there is a strange grid like covering over all of the blue sky in AMS2, but this goes away on av1 10 bit.

However the latency is poor in my opinion. Can really feel it when trying to drive the cars. Individual components are good: game 6ms, encode 7ms, network 7ms, decode 10ms. But the total latency reported is pushing 60ms so not sure what is going wrong but it's making the game difficult to play. I'm also getting regular very small microstuttering.

I also had a headset freeze in the middle of a race yesterday and had to reboot. Not acceptable when racing competitively, as that's race over.

I'll play with settings a bit more but in all likelihood I'll be returning the router and sticking to wired link.

What router did you get? Also, are you Nvidia GPU?
Two days ago I bought a WiFi 6 router to use as a dedicated pcvr router for my quest 3 to use with virtual desktop.

Image quality wise, it's good. Av1 10 bit looks nice. H264 doesn't look as good as wired link, there is a strange grid like covering over all of the blue sky in AMS2, but this goes away on av1 10 bit.

However the latency is poor in my opinion. Can really feel it when trying to drive the cars. Individual components are good: game 6ms, encode 7ms, network 7ms, decode 10ms. But the total latency reported is pushing 60ms so not sure what is going wrong but it's making the game difficult to play. I'm also getting regular very small microstuttering.

I also had a headset freeze in the middle of a race yesterday and had to reboot. Not acceptable when racing competitively, as that's race over.

I'll play with settings a bit more but in all likelihood I'll be returning the router and sticking to wired link.
The "grid covering the blue sky" sounds like 8-bit colour encoding. I believe there is 265 10-bit or AV1 (inherently 10-bit). I'd always go for 10-bit to stop horrible colour gradients.
What router did you get? Also, are you Nvidia GPU?

I got the GL slate ax that was on the recommended router list over on the VD discord.

I have a 7900xt GPU.

Check your decode latency as well - that can get very high with AV1/265 at higher bitrates.

FYI - AMD 7 series use AV1, AMD 6 series use 265/264, NV use 265

Decode latency around 9-10ms and stable.

I wasn't pushing the bitrates. On av1 I used 150 Mbps and on h264 I used 250 Mbps. Encode latency and network latency both only around 7ms.

I have 7900xt GPU so it should have a decent encoder now. Indeed, the image quality is fine, the specific latencies appear fine but the issue was total latency and microstuttering.

The "grid covering the blue sky" sounds like 8-bit colour encoding. I believe there is 265 10-bit or AV1 (inherently 10-bit). I'd always go for 10-bit to stop horrible colour gradients.

Yes but I don't get it when running h264 on wired link, but it's really bad when running VD on h264.
I wasn't pushing the bitrates. On av1 I used 150 Mbps and on h264 I used 250 Mbps. Encode latency and network latency both only around 7ms.

I have 7900xt GPU so it should have a decent encoder now. Indeed, the image quality is fine, the specific latencies appear fine but t

Yes but I don't get it when running h264 on wired link, but it's really bad when running VD on h264.
Hmmm 7ms network latency is high from memory. I get 1ms to 2ms.

Is your router set to use 80MHz channel width? That had a large impact for my setup.
Hmmm 7ms network latency is high from memory. I get 1ms to 2ms.

Is your router set to use 80MHz channel width? That had a large impact for my setup.

Yes it is.

Bitrate isn't being pushed hard. Dedicated router which I'm 1 metre from, and a router off the VD recommended list. I've picked a channel with no other WiFi signal on it as well. So not sure what else I can do.

Question I have to ask myself is whether this is worth buying a 100 quid router for, or do I just go back wired.
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Yes it is.

Bitrate isn't being pushed hard. Dedicated router which I'm 1 metre from, and a router off the VD recommended list. I've picked a channel with no other WiFi signal on it as well. So not sure what else I can do.

Question I have to ask myself is whether this is worth buying a 100 quid router for, or do I just go back wired.
Ah, that is rubbish! I often play about 5m from my router through a floor and cabinet and it works perfectly. I also use a 7800xt and am acutely sensitive to latency/judder, so I doubt it's your 7900xt.

The only thing I can think of is congestion or interference with a nearby network.

The VD discord is OK for fault finding more complex issues.
The VD discord is OK for fault finding more complex issues.

Yeah I was on there yesterday.

I dropped the resolution down, lowered the bitrate a bit more. Got the total latency to around 40ms and everything in band. Was told that is as good as it gets.

Went back onto wired link, 400mbps bitrate on h264. It's way smoother and far more responsive, and zero microstuttering.

I think wired is better tbh. Wireless VD would be great for roomscale games like HL Alyx etc and possibly slower paced games, but for racing sims the wired link is way smoother. Wired link also does 120Hz now as well, although I couldn't see much difference to 90Hz.

I'll be returning the extra router, I have no need for it in my small office where I play seated Sims because there is no room for roomscale there anyway.
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I got the GL slate ax that was on the recommended router list over on the VD discord.

I have a 7900xt GPU.

Decode latency around 9-10ms and stable.

I wasn't pushing the bitrates. On av1 I used 150 Mbps and on h264 I used 250 Mbps. Encode latency and network latency both only around 7ms.

I have 7900xt GPU so it should have a decent encoder now. Indeed, the image quality is fine, the specific latencies appear fine but the issue was total latency and microstuttering.

Yes but I don't get it when running h264 on wired link, but it's really bad when running VD on h264.

It could just be a setting or two in the router. I had a perfect setup, but then had to temporarily use the router to fault find with the new high speed internet being installed and ended up doing a hard reset on it.

When I hooked it back up to the VR I was getting stuttering, lagging etc so started playing about with so the router settings and now it's back to being great again. Unfortunately, I don't know which settings fixed it, but I'm glad I preserved.
When I hooked it back up to the VR I was getting stuttering, lagging etc so started playing about with so the router settings and now it's back to being great again. Unfortunately, I don't know which settings fixed it, but I'm glad I preserved.
I couldn't see much by the way of settings in the router which I could have changed. From what I could see the router was working great, 1200mbps link speed absolutely rock solid, 80MHz channel, ethernet to PC.
I couldn't see much by the way of settings in the router which I could have changed. From what I could see the router was working great, 1200mbps link speed absolutely rock solid, 80MHz channel, ethernet to PC.

The router I have has a ridiculous amount of settings, if you are still keen to keep a wireless setup then I'll see if I can screenshot the settings just in case any of them are similar?
Well, have finally got rid of my vertigo by doing the Epley Manoeuvre, had a week of residual dizziness, but that has now passed and have been enjoying what the Quest 3 has to offer. Tried a few free media players and wasn't exactly blown away, decided to pay for Skybox VR and am now pretty happy.

I totally overdid the VR experience a couple of nights ago and watched Ready Player One, a film set in VR, watched on a VR headset, a bit OTT but very enjoyable.
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