Best not to complicate things by asking what law you have broken, you have not broken any so just knock it all on the head by telling them that you are a domestic home owner doing DIY and that'll be that.
[edit]Agreed likely an old moaner but if he/she has contacts with HSE then he/she needs to talk to them in a little more detail and if he/she is ex-HSE then they must be very old as exemptions for home owners doing DIY was pretty much enshrined in legislation in 1974, but dates back from case law well, well before that...[edit]
[edit]Agreed likely an old moaner but if he/she has contacts with HSE then he/she needs to talk to them in a little more detail and if he/she is ex-HSE then they must be very old as exemptions for home owners doing DIY was pretty much enshrined in legislation in 1974, but dates back from case law well, well before that...[edit]
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