Question about drive transfer speeds

12 Mar 2004
Ive seen sata 2 drives referred to as 3Gbps or 300MBps.

This cant be right though.

3,000,000,000 bits /8 = 375,000,000 bytes

375,000,000 bytes /1024 = 366210.9375 KB

366,201.9375 Kb /1024 = 357.62786865234375 MB

So one of the numbers is wrong, unless im missing something, the drives have to be either 300MBps or 3Gbps.

Unless the 300MBps refers to the inner zone and the 3Gbps the outer zone?
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the sata2 controller has a max speed of 300mb/s, however there ar no drives that get anywhere near that speed - my brand new seagate 250gb have an average speed of ~60mb/s, although the burst speed was ~200mb/s so i wouldn't worry about it.
Energize said:
Its in the sticky that it is called 3Gbps.

3Gbps = 3 GigaBITS per second

3GBps = 3 GigaBYTES per second

1 Byte is 8 bits, so 3Gbps is just about equal to 300MBps

It's all about the capital B :confused:

I think I'm right anyways... 'twas worth a try if I'm not :D
Yea you got it there. Same with internet speeds.

For all those internet n0-0bs, they see a 1Mbps connection and go "Wow a 1 meg connection!". When in fact its max download speed is 120KB/s
Energize said:
Yes I know and 3Gbps = 357MBps I showed you the maths in my first post.

I know... I was just saying that it's down to the b/B. As they're similar numbers the b is often used to make it seem bigger/faster/better than it really is, as pointed out by Nightmare about internet speeds.

There's nothing wrong with your figures, companies just tend to round numbers to their favour so that 300MBps = 3Gbps exactly, not 375MBps = 3Gbps.
No, why does there have to be a 100% speed increase? Maybe it is 300MBps but then it wouldnt be 3Gbps. Either way its either 300 or 357.
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3Gbps = 300MB/s
SATA (and PCI-e) are async serial protocols with 2 bit per Byte overhead, so there are 10 bits per Byte
10 bits per byte = 286.1 MB, still not right. Unless they mean 300MiB and not MB, in which case they are wrong :p .
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Dutch Guy said:
3 gigabits per second = 300 megabytes per second

It doesnt, it does equal 300 mebibytes though.

8 bits in a byte and it = 357megabytes

3,000,000,000 bits /8 = 375,000,000 bytes

375,000,000 bytes /1024 = 366210.9375 KB

366,201.9375 Kb /1024 = 357.62786865234375 MB

10 bits in a byte it = 286megabytes

3,000,000,000 bits /10 = 300,000,000 bytes

300,000,000 bytes /1024 = 292968.57 Kilobytes

292968.57 KB /1024 = 286.1 Megabytes
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