Question for cat owners?

they have a whole bunch of nerves there going through a small perforated vertebra some head down into the lower regions and some go to the legs and tail, all your doing is tickling them in a sensitive spot, some love it some hate, don't stop it though if your cat likes it, its not like your sleeping with it ffs
My cat seems to like it.

I think she is autistic or something tho. EVERY time you touch/stroke the cat it has to go and clean the area you touched.
If this is a sexual response, then would it not be a good idea to get the cat neutered?

For the record, I have 2 male cats. Both neutered. Neither of them behave in this fashion.
Hope not lol, this is making me feel very uncomfortable about stroking my cats now, perhaps its best just to pet them on the head.
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