Question for you about old friends...

14 Aug 2004
I've been going through a lot of stuff recently regarding so called friends. I've basically removed them completely from my life as they were bad for me and just not true friends.

My question is... Have any of you ever removed friends from your life completely?
I've been going through a lot of stuff recently regarding so called friends. I've basically removed them completely from my life as they were bad for me and just not true friends.

My question is... Have any of you ever removed friends from your life completely?

Yes, & never looked back.

If they're not true friends then who needs them.
I've been going through a lot of stuff recently regarding so called friends. I've basically removed them completely from my life as they were bad for me and just not true friends.

My question is... Have any of you ever removed friends from your life completely?

yes, most were 2 faced.
Absolutely. There was a guy who I was very close to, we used to go drinking every week, I was his best man, we did holidays together with our partners.

We lost touch for a while, he emailed me one day and explained that he'd been away in "the big house". I googled his name and his town and discovered he'd been inside for internet grooming. I cut all contact, set up rules to block him from everywhere and blocked his phone numbers.
Yes, & never looked back.

If they're not true friends then who needs them.

great. I've removed people from my facebook and have deleted their numbers as I just cant trust them anymore. Sick of people backstabbing me. I've spoke to another mate about this and they think I'm being harsh. I kind of feel guilty about it but at the end of the day... I wasn't happy when they were my so called mates so I suppose I haven't lost anything.

God, what a depressing thread for a Sunday lol.
Yeah. I'm not the kind of person to bear grudges and I rarely fall out with anyone, but this particular person had to go not only because of the damage they could have done to me in the future, but also the damage they were doing to relationships with my other friends.
Yeah. I'm not the kind of person to bear grudges and I rarely fall out with anyone, but this particular person had to go not only because of the damage they could have done to me in the future, but also the damage they were doing to relationships with my other friends.

god, exactly the position I was in.
Yeah, worst thing was this guy was a really close friend - we spent a lot of time with each other and had a lot of good laughs. Unfortunately he had a very, very nasty streak that ran through him and on balance it just wasn't worth staying friends with him the way he behaved sometimes.
if they're really that bad, get shot of them. no point letting yourself get dragged down by people who are backstabbing/bad influences/users
Same situation at the moment.

Had a rough few months recently and it really came out in the wash who actually gave a damn.

Suffice to say, I have reprioritised myself accordingly :)

It's a shame really since we got along very well for a long time, but I guess things change!
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Yeah, same here. Have removed many people - just about everyone I knew at one point did drugs and I had nothing much in common with them in the end. Don't get me wrong, some if not all of them are fine as people but drinking and other things they do just simply aren't for me.
Sometimes, and this has happened twice to me now,'ll be getting on fine with a close friend and spend a day or evening with them, and then you say your goodbyes as per usual - only for neither of you to ever contact each other again. No 'falling out or bad words'. It's as if your subconscious is chatting to the other and each is kind of echoing similar thoughts of "Shall we call it a day and look back with fondness over the good times?"
I grew up with one guy from about the age of 6, best mates to about the age of 14. At 14 he started thinking he was mint selling hard drugs, hanging around with the yobs whos families were equally yobish, and started trying to rap etc.

He was always someone who even if you tried to watch your mates backs he'd backstab you. I was pretty fed up with him after all that, but the final straw was when the girl who i'd been seeing for a year, I broke up with, and the next day he slept with her.

However the fact she's now turned into a really trashy chavette who everyone thinks is easy, and he's still walkin round trying to rap, with a year old kid, makes me feel better.


What's funny is I know the real him whilst all his new mates think he's completely different. He tries to act the hard man, the gangster. The truth is he was scared of the dark until he was 14, has wealthy parents who are generally nice people, and he's as soft as a kitten.

Anyone who is two-faced or multi-personalitied around different people isn't worth your time.
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