Question for you about old friends...

I've stayed away from one girl because I just fancy her too much
one mate just gets me down
another one I've neglected to keep in touch with, I don't know why because he's a really nice bloke
Absolutely. There was a guy who I was very close to, we used to go drinking every week, I was his best man, we did holidays together with our partners.

We lost touch for a while, he emailed me one day and explained that he'd been away in "the big house". I googled his name and his town and discovered he'd been inside for internet grooming. I cut all contact, set up rules to block him from everywhere and blocked his phone numbers.

:eek: I didn't know what that was till I googled it... :o

To answer the OP. Kind of yes, but not on purpose. Just drifting apart more than anything.

Since deleting these people from my facebook I've received a load of texts asking why and stuff. I just told them the truth and that I was sick of it all. No reply received to the message I sent. Obviously are a waste of time.

I've got rid of 3 'friends' and don't know what I'd do if I ever see them.

Feel so low at the minute but at the same time I feel kind of 'new' like it's all starting a fresh. Weird feeling.
Objectively removed a few so-called friends, simply stopped talking to many others.

I realised most of the people I attended school with had little in common with me anyway. I could literally count my current friends on one hand but at least they're actual friends.
I think you are lucky if you know people who you can call genuine friends. In my experience the majority claim to be friends, but are only there because you provide a usefulness to them.
People that just **** on you are not your friends.

The odd bit of drama isn't avoidable between friends so don't kick off at the smallest thing. But if a certain person keeps on being an arse and upsetting the rest of the group then they aren't worth it.

I don't take **** from people. I remove them and let somebody with less self-respect take the crap.

Friendships are give and take. There will be periods where they lean on you for a short while or a few times in a row which is fine providing they're there to do the same for you.

Edit: There's a difference between 'Mates' and 'Friends'. The later being the most important.

What's the difference?

To me:

People you know, but don't know a great deal about. Will see on a night out, have a good laugh bit of banter, but generally only keep in touch with as and when. Couldn't really tell anybody a great deal about them.

People you know really well. Their history, what they like/dislike. Value your opinions even if they disagree. The people you trust with your secrets no matter how big or small. The people you can rely on to be there when you need them. They come running no questions asked.

These are the people that should be treasured.

I have lots of 'mates' at uni but a very small close group of 'friends'. Most of my mates I couldn't tell you whey they are from or even what course they do. But we have a good laugh which is why we are mates.

Edit: Some people may prefer to call their closer friends 'mates'. Vica versa, same principle.
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Nope. I only have a few close friends who I trust. I don't put lesser friends in the position where they can dissapoint me.

So no problems so far. but if a friend was being a idiot for a long period of time then yes,

The only problem is what if it is your brother. I didn't chose him but I feel obliged to help him even if he is a **** a lot of the time.. Family is the real problem!
I'm likely going to be cutting ties with someone tomorrow :( shes's been harsh and shoved me aside for a quick relationship before she goes to uni, and we were supposed to be very good friends

so yeah, i guess sometimes its necessary
Yes a good friend of mine because he sided with his now GF and proceded to **** myself and another of our friends off.

We still have similiar friends but we are kept apart for the simple reason that when I get my hands on him I'm gonna break his nose :)

Yup, I've cut ties with "friends" who were just constantly talking down to me and treating me like I was an idiot. It was always in a jokey way, but when it's CONSTANT and they give you the impression that they look down on you and see you as some kinda of 'last resort' when they have nothing better to do, than to hang out with you... then yeaaaaaaaaaah I can do without people like that in my life.

I'd rather have no one, than to be treated like that.... it's not healthy.
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