Questions about Minecraft for single player.

Please allow me to present this article by english language. I think Minecraft will be right for you, it will give you a highly entertaining and engaging. Have a fun day playing games.
Uhmm ok :confused:

Yes and yes to your last questions, swede.

Instead of FTB which tends to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you, I'd keep it light with the mods to start with. I'd start with maybe forge, which is a needed for just about every other mod out there to function, voxelmap or xaeros minimap and MrCrayFish's furniture mod which adds a load of useful content :)
Thank you ! And yes, had a look at FTB and found it a bit overwhelming for now so didn't use it. Haven't installed any mod yet actually, just the shaders and texture mod for now. This MrCrayFish Furniture mod, just wow ! That guy sure been busy and quiet into details as well, thanks for the suggestion, I be bookmarking his website incase I decided to spice up the house once I build one, not got that far yet. :p

Terraria single player is much better than Minecraft. :D
Had a quick look at it on YouTube and not so sure, but if you like it then that's great! We all like different things in games. :)
If anyone has any additional tips I be grateful to hear them. I do think I be exploring those two caves, dig down to level 12ish and see if I can find some diamonds then head out one direction and start exploring some though. :)

Never dig straight up or straight down unless you know what is above or below you - otherwise you may find yourself falling into a pool of lava or dumping 48,000,000 tons of sand on your head (neither of those have a good outcome) :p
Reaper 392 - Thanks, it be one or the other, got to see when I settle down somewhere what I pick. :)

If its a choice between Jabba barrels or Iron Chests then personally I would go for the chests. Barrels can only store one type of item so they are great for storing enough cobble to build an entire castle, but are completely hopeless at everything else. At least with a diamond chest you can store a fairly large amount of a single item as well as lots and lots of different items.
Never dig straight up or straight down unless you know what is above or below you - otherwise you may find yourself falling into a pool of lava or dumping 48,000,000 tons of sand on your head (neither of those have a good outcome) :p
Yes, I did figure that out rather quickly. :p

If its a choice between Jabba barrels or Iron Chests then personally I would go for the chests. Barrels can only store one type of item so they are great for storing enough cobble to build an entire castle, but are completely hopeless at everything else. At least with a diamond chest you can store a fairly large amount of a single item as well as lots and lots of different items.

Most likely be the Iron Chests yes, I don't mind mixing the rocks and other material, it's easy to line them up together anyway. :)
I like the look of your screenshots. Makes me want to fire it up again. Last I tried it I used the minecrift mod and played it in VR. Twas awesome.
I would recommend using OptiFine (a quick Google search will find this for you) with any Minecraft installation (make sure you pick the correct version) whether modded or not.

It dramatically enhances performance and also allows for many extra graphics and video settings to be changed which are not available by default in the game.
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