I've been having fun building my new Ikea Alex and Karlby desk so far this weekend, as below;
What I totally neglected to realise was that the Alex storage cupboard where my PC will go, has a solid back and no holes for cabling or airflow. So off to Wickes at 6.59pm I went last night to get a hole saw set
Now I have such an exciting tool and the cupboard empty and accessible, I'm thinking I'll drill a holes at the top back of the cupboard for hot air to escape as well ones for cabling at the bottom. Perhaps one larger one for a fan, and a couple of smaller ones either side. Fit a fan sort of like this guy minus the front fan.
So. I don't have a fan to fit in the back yet, but going to pre-drill the hole for it, then I reckon I could (hopefully) fit the fan at a later date without having to move everything around too much. But my question is -
tldr; the saws have diameters of 32, 38, 44, 51, 57, 63mm. Looking at fan sizes on OcUK for reference, of course they don't match. They seem to come in 40, 50, 60, 80mm. So err, as a punt what size hole should I drill?
57 for a 60mm fan I guess is the closest? I'm guessing 63mm hole might be in danger of not leaving enough room to mount the fan by it's screws/bolts. TIA.

What I totally neglected to realise was that the Alex storage cupboard where my PC will go, has a solid back and no holes for cabling or airflow. So off to Wickes at 6.59pm I went last night to get a hole saw set

Now I have such an exciting tool and the cupboard empty and accessible, I'm thinking I'll drill a holes at the top back of the cupboard for hot air to escape as well ones for cabling at the bottom. Perhaps one larger one for a fan, and a couple of smaller ones either side. Fit a fan sort of like this guy minus the front fan.
So. I don't have a fan to fit in the back yet, but going to pre-drill the hole for it, then I reckon I could (hopefully) fit the fan at a later date without having to move everything around too much. But my question is -
tldr; the saws have diameters of 32, 38, 44, 51, 57, 63mm. Looking at fan sizes on OcUK for reference, of course they don't match. They seem to come in 40, 50, 60, 80mm. So err, as a punt what size hole should I drill?